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CC Minutes - 09/28/09 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 09/28/09 Work Session
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11/30/2009 11:58:28 AM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Clark noted he and Mr. Zelenka continued to meet regularly with Police Auditor Mark Gissiner regarding a <br />number of issues. <br />Mr. Clark reported he and Mayor Piercy had given testimony to the Oregon Transportation Commission on <br />September 15 regarding Eugene's transportation priorities. <br />Mr. Clark stated he had attended a meeting of the Lane Metro Partnership Operating Board on September 17 <br />where he had spoken with regard to regional economic development. He noted that recent planning efforts of the <br />Joint Elected Officials (JEO) had also been discussed at that meeting. <br />Mr. Clark reported that he, Mr. Pryor, Ms. Taylor and Ms. Ortiz had attended the September 24 meeting of the <br />Downtown Parking Subcommittee (DPS) to discuss the matter of free downtown parking. He further reported <br />from that meeting that the question of whether or not free downtown parking would be an ultimate goal of the <br />DPS was indeterminate. He noted that, alternative to free downtown parking strategies, the DPS was also <br />considering the goals of making downtown parking more customer-friendly and easier to use. He hoped City staff <br />and the council would be able to help the DPS re-guide its efforts in that regard. <br />Mr. Clark noted he had attended a community meeting of Bond Lane Park representatives with Parks and Open <br />Space Landscape Architect Emily Proudfoot on September 24 to discuss renovations to the park and the impact of <br />the renovations on the neighborhood. <br />Mr. Clark acknowledged emails had recently been circulating among council and City staff regarding downtown <br />public safety and hoped that members of the community would understand that their concerns were being <br />addressed. <br />Mr. Pryor noted that City staff was participating in discussions with St. Vincent de Paul and other social service <br />organizations regarding the availability of warming shelters for homeless and other disadvantaged persons in the <br />area for the upcoming cold weather season. <br />Mr. Pryor commented on the September 22 meeting of the JEO where they had discussed three initiatives. He felt <br />that the JEO had made good progress regarding certain outcomes. <br />Mr. Pryor expressed from his participation in the September 24 DPS meeting that some redirection or refocusing <br />of that group's goals might be a good idea. <br />Mr. Pryor reported he had attended the recent special strategic planning meeting of the Lane Council of <br />Governments (LCOG) to discuss the group's overall strategies and desired outcomes. He further reported from <br />that meeting that he had been elected LCOG Board Chair and would begin his term in that position beginning in <br />December. <br />Mr. Pryor noted that the City's Fire &EMS division would be participating in a "Smoke Detector Distribution and <br />Checking Day" event in the Trainsong neighborhood on October 4, where Fire &EMS staff, in conjunction with <br />local Red Cross staff, would be canvassing that area to ensure that people had smoke detectors in their homes that <br />were functioning properly. Mr. Pryor thanked City staff for providing their time and expertise to the event. <br />Ms. Taylor believed the moratorium fees for the EBC should be waived as they had requested and that the City <br />should endeavor to assist the EBC and similar arts organizations and their patrons whenever possible. <br />Ms. Taylor agreed that the DPS needed to coordinate with the council regarding its effort to refocus its goals, <br />priorities and strategies. She indicated her continued support for free parking strategies in the downtown area. <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council September 28, 2009 Page 2 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />
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