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CC Minutes - 10/05/09 Boards and Commissions Interviews
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 10/05/09 Boards and Commissions Interviews
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12/21/2009 1:44:14 PM
City Council Minutes
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Each applicant was asked to respond to the following questions: <br /> <br />1. What prompted you to apply for the Sustainability Commission? Based on what you know about <br />the role of the commission, what skills, knowledge, and community connections could you bring to <br />help the commission be successful? <br />2. Please tell us about any experience you have had working collectively with a group, highlighting any <br />that have played an advisory, coordinating, or oversight role for an organization or agency. <br />3. What do you consider are the most important issues to address in Eugene to enable the community <br />to become more sustainable in ways that encompass social equity, economic prosperity and envi- <br />ronmental stewardship? <br />4. How can the Sustainability Commission be most effective in its role as a policy advisory body to the <br />City Council? <br />5. Please share your views on how the Sustainability Commission can foster broad and diverse com- <br />munity involvement in long-range changes to become more sustainable. <br /> <br />Councilors interviewed the following applicant for appointment to the Planning Commission: <br /> <br />Mark Baker <br /> <br />The applicant was asked to respond to the following questions: <br /> <br />1. What key issues would you hope to address as a member of the Planning Commission? <br />2. The Eugene Planning Commission often works on lengthy processes and decisions as a group. <br />Describe your prior skills and experience that will assist you in working with the Planning Commis- <br />sion in a collective manner. <br />3. Please describe how you would contribute to the diversity of views on the Planning Commission. In <br />what ways would you seek to bring the perspectives of underrepresented members of our community <br />into the land use planning and decision process? <br />4. The Planning Commission must often consider and balance complex issues when reviewing planning <br />documents and making land use decisions. As an example, parking strategies that limit density to <br />meet infill compatibility goals can conflict with regional growth management strategies. In your <br />opinion, what are the most important factors for the Planning Commission to consider in its deci- <br />sion-making? <br /> <br />Each applicant was also given an opportunity to ask questions of the council and speak to any other <br />information that was relevant to their qualifications. Applicants were thanked for their interest and informed <br />that appointments would be made at the council’s regular meeting on October 26, 2009. <br /> <br />The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. <br /> <br />(Recorded by Lynn Taylor) <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council October 5, 2009 Page 2 <br /> 2009 Boards and Commissions Interviews <br />
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