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<br />The key pages of the CAFR which you may wish to review are pages 11-12 and pages 155-156, where <br />two of the auditors' reports are found. In the first report, the auditors have issued an unqualified opinion <br />(also known as a "clean opinion") on the City's basic financial statements, indicating that the City has <br />prepared these statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). GAAP <br />for state and local governments is promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board <br />(GASB) to ensure consistency in accounting and comparability in financial reporting among state and <br />local governments. A clean opinion is a fundamental financial goal for every government, as it <br />represents the highest level of opinion a government can receive from its independent auditors. A clean <br />opinion is an important indicator of sound financial management and creditworthiness to the citizens, <br />other governmental jurisdictions (state and federal), credit rating agencies, investment bankers, bond <br />holders, and other private sector entities. <br /> <br />In the second report, the auditors address the City’s compliance with applicable provisions of Oregon <br />Revised Statutes including, requirements related to debt, deposit of public funds, preparation and <br />adoption of the budget, accounting records and related internal control structure, etc. In addition, the <br />auditors also report if the City had any significant internal control weaknesses. The auditors noted that <br />the City complied with all laws with one exception. The General Obligation Debt Service Fund <br />overspent its debt service payment authority by $169,897, or 2.7%. This occurred due to timing of <br />repayments on the GO Line of Credit. <br /> <br />ORS require that all over-expenditures be brought to the attention of the governing body. Because there <br />is no dollar threshold, it is common for local governments to have occasional over-expenditures. <br /> <br />Two additional reports, beginning on page 159, specifically address compliance with federal laws, <br />regulations, contracts and grants, and indicate that the auditors found no material instances of the City's <br />noncompliance with these requirements, nor were there any findings or questioned costs noted in <br />relation to federal awards made to the City. <br /> <br />Starting with the fiscal year 2008 audit, there were new professional requirements mandating auditors to <br />provide a report to the governing body that addresses any concerns or findings they encountered in such <br />audit-related issues as significant audit findings, accounting estimates and disagreements with <br />management. Isler CPA’s memo addressing these issues for fiscal year 2009, is attached and it states <br />that there were no concerns that required communication to you. <br /> <br />The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded a <br />Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the City of Eugene for its <br />Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008. This was the <br />thirty-third consecutive year that the City has achieved this prestigious award. In order to be awarded a <br />Certificate of Achievement, a government must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized <br />CAFR, which satisfies both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. <br />In addition, the requirements for the certificate provide much of the information needed for the City’s <br />credit assessments. <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />Policy B.1 of the City’s Financial Management Goals and Policies states that “The City will maintain an <br />accounting and financial reporting system that allows reporting in conformance with Generally <br /> Z:\CMO\2010 Council Agendas\M100111\S1001113C.doc <br /> <br />