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3 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />BETHEL- DANEBO REFINEMENT PLAN UPDATE <br />REVISIONS AND ERRATA <br />SEPTEMBER 139 1982 <br />Deletions are shown in [brackets]. Additions are underlined Porti ons not <br />listed remain the same as the April 28, 1982, draft. <br />1. Add text to the second paragraph of the introduction (Page 1) to clarify the <br />description of the plan area: <br />" The Plan Area <br />The study area on the west is bounded by Greenhill Road, wh i ch is the westerly <br />limits of the urban growth boundary, then runs east along Barger Avenue to the <br />existing city limits line, along the city limits line to Beltl i ne Road, and <br />northwesterly to Highway 99 North. Then the boundary extends south along <br />Highway 99 North to Jessen Avenue, then south and easterly along the existin <br />city l i mi is line, wh i ch is adjacent to the Southern Pacific R ai l road yards to <br />the spur wh'i ch creates the Coos Bay branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad. <br />The boundary then extends westerly along the boundary between the residential <br />area south of Roosevelt Boulevard and the industrial area north of Cross Street <br />to Highway 99 North. From Highway 99 North to the west, the boundary is delin- <br />eated by the proposed Roosevelt Boulevard and storm channel separating existing <br />and proposed residential and industrial uses west to [Greenhill Road] Danebo <br />Avenue. West of Danebo Avenue, the southern boundary is defined b y the <br />between the existin residential zonin on the north and industrial zoning on <br />the south to the Amazon Slou h then continues due west to Greenhill Road." <br />2. Following the second paragraph of the introduction (Pagel), add anew <br />subsection entitled "Plan Contents" to di scu ss s plan format and the role of <br />Policies, Proposals, the Land Use Diagram, Neighborhood Goals, and Findings, as <br />follows: <br />"Plan Contents <br />The plan i s divided into three elements: I. Land Use, II. Urban Services and the <br />Urban Growth Boundary and III. Trans ortati on. Each element includes an intro- <br />duction, back round material , and recommendations in the form of policies and' <br />ro osal s . Polices are adopted by the City Council as ui des for decision- - <br />making related to the plan area. Ci t programs,, actions, and decisions such as <br />zone changes, traffic pattern changes and ca ital improvements wi 1 be evalu- <br />ated on the basis of their ability to im l ement these of i ci es as well as <br />other ado t ed C - ity goal s and of i c i es . Because the are ado ted b the council <br />as the Cat s ui e for action policies are the most im ortant statements in the <br />p lan, Proposals are suggestions for im l ementin of icies of this plan. In <br />g eneral , they wi 11 be further reviewed and studied and may or ma not be im l e- <br />mented in the form in which they appear in the l an . They are reco n i zed as <br />ideas which have been suggested after some public discussion as possible was to <br />implement the plan, but are not adopted as City po 1 icy. The plan also includes <br />Nei hborhood Goals an Fin in s. Neighborhood goa s are statements in icatin <br />Be <br />