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Instead. of ' stand inq b. The Executive Board may <br />committees, the Executive <br />Board may establish establish committees to perform the <br />committees for specific <br />tasks as the need arises. ongoinq business of the assoc iat ion <br />Whether or not the <br />organization has <br />standing committees, <br />there should be a pro- <br />vision for committees <br />for special projects, <br />The relationship <br />between the Executive <br />Board and the <br />Committees should be <br />clarified at the time- <br />of, the formation of <br />any committees. <br />Section 2 . The Executive Board may <br />establish committees for special projects that <br />are of concern to the membership, in actor- <br />. .} <br />dance with the purpose of the orq an i zat ion , <br />Section 3 . The Executive Board shall <br />specify the purpose, [meetinq requirements,] <br />and committee authority, includ inq permission <br />to speak publicly on issues within the <br />committee's specific concern. Committees <br />shall not speak or act on behalf of the <br />organization unless they have such specific <br />authority, <br />Section 4. <br />a. Committee membership shall be <br />open to all those organization members <br />interested in se ry inq on a particular <br />committee at the time of its formation. <br />b. Committee meetinq s shall be <br />open to all members of the organ i zat ion. <br />The organization should <br />consider these alterna- <br />tives for insuring broad <br />membership participation <br />in committees. Section a <br />might result in a committee <br />which is too large to <br />function effectively. <br />Section b will allow <br />public participation in <br />the committee meetings. <br />Model Charter - 16 <br />