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<br />A complete set of materials from the public record are also listed below, as attachments provided to the <br />City Council under separate cover (and available for review in a binder located at the City Council <br />office). These materials are hereby incorporated by reference. It is also noted that the public hearing on <br />this request must follow quasi-judicial procedures, and new evidence will be allowed at the public <br />hearing. Since the Planning Commission’s public hearing, no additional testimony has been received. <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br /> <br />Eugene Code requires that a Metro Plan amendment, refinement plan amendment and zone change be <br />consistent with the adopted Metro Plan, applicable refinement plans and Statewide Planning Goals. <br />Applicable policies of the Metro Plan, South Willamette Subarea Study and Statewide Planning Goals <br />are addressed in the Planning Commission’s findings (Exhibit D of Attachment A). <br /> <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br />No action is required at this time; however, options will be provided at the time of City Council <br />deliberations and action scheduled for March 8, 2010. Eugene Code requires that the City Council take <br />action within 30 days of close of the public record. <br /> <br /> <br />CITY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION <br />As this is the public hearing for this item, no recommendation is suggested at this time. A <br />recommendation will be provided for the City Council deliberations and action scheduled for <br />March 8, 2010. <br /> <br /> <br />SUGGESTED MOTION <br />None at this time. A suggested motion will be provided at the time of City Council deliberations and <br />action scheduled for March 8, 2010. <br /> <br /> <br />ATTACHMENTS <br /> <br />A.Ordinance, including the following exhibits: <br />Exhibit A: Metro Plan land use diagram amendment <br />Exhibit B: South Willamette Subarea Study land use diagram amendment <br />Exhibit C: Zoning Map amendment <br />Exhibit D: Findings <br /> <br /> <br />ATTACHMENTS PROVIDED UNDER SEPARATE COVER <br />(located in the City Council Office) <br /> <br />1.Draft Eugene Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, dated January 11, 2010 <br /> <br />2.Eugene Planning Commission Agenda and Agenda Item Summary for January 11, 2010 <br />deliberations, with attachments: <br />a. Preliminary Findings, dated January 11, 2010 <br />3. Eugene Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, dated December 8, 2009 <br />4. Eugene Planning Commission Agenda and Agenda Item Summary for December 8, 2009 public <br />hearing, with attachments: <br />Z:\CMO\2010 Council Agendas\M100216\S1002162.doc <br /> <br />