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Item 5: Ordinance on Chapter 7 (Public Improvements/Access Management)
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2010
CC Agenda - 02/16/10 Public Hearing
Item 5: Ordinance on Chapter 7 (Public Improvements/Access Management)
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6/9/2010 12:52:13 PM
Creation date
2/12/2010 10:26:43 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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connection permit issued pursuant to section 7.385 of this code if: <br />(a) The access connection is not constructed according to <br />specification; or <br />(b) The access connection is not maintained in a safe manner; or <br />(c) The access connection becomes hazardous due to traffic <br />congestion. The determination that an access connection is <br />hazardous to the public’s use of the right-of-way shall be based on <br />traffic engineering principles and traffic investigations. <br />(2) Any person aggrieved by administrative action of the city manager or <br />the manager's designee taken under the provisions of section (1) may <br />appeal the action in the same manner as provided in section 5.045 of <br />this code. <br />(3) If an access connection not permitted pursuant to section 7.385 of this <br />code is deemed by the city manager or manager’s designee to be <br />hazardous to the public’s use of the right-of-way, the access connection <br />shall be relocated and/or reconstructed by the owner(s) of the property <br />served by the subject access connection. The determination that an <br />access connection is hazardous to the public’s use of the right-of-way <br />shall be based on traffic engineering principles and traffic <br />investigations. <br />(a) Upon determination by the city manager or manager’s designee that <br />an existing access connection is a hazard to the public’s use of the <br />right-of-way, the city shall send the owner(s) of the property served <br />by the subject access connection notice of the determination. <br />(b) The owner(s) of the property served by the subject access <br />connection may appeal the determination in accordance with <br />section 5.045 of this code. <br />(c) If no appeal is filed within the time specified in section 5.045 of this <br />code, the owner(s) of the property served by the subject access <br />connection shall have 90 days from the date of the notice to relocate <br />and/or reconstruct the access connection to conform to the <br />provisions of this code and adopted design standards. <br />(d) If the owner fails to relocate and/or reconstruct the access <br />connection to conform to the notice within 90 days, the city manager <br />or manager’s designee will cause the relocation and/or <br />reconstruction to be completed and all expenses will be assessed <br />against the property owner. <br /> <br /> <br />Section 15. <br /> Section 7.445 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is amended to provide as follows: <br />7.445 [Construction in] Public Right-of-Way <br />Use of . <br />(1) Public right-of-way shall not be used for private commercial purposes <br />except pursuant to a revocable permits issued by the city manager or <br />manager’s designee. <br />(1) <br />2 The city manager is authorized to issue [a permit for an oversized curb cut or] <br />a revocable permit for construction or location of a retaining wall, steps, <br />terracing, plantings, planters, walkways, projecting building features, and other <br />appurtenances to be installed within a public [street] right-of-way at the <br />property owner's risk and subject to the following conditions and requirements. <br />Ordinance - Page 11 of 12 <br /> <br />09-PW-7-Access.Mangement / Ord-Ch.7.(v1) <br /> <br />
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