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it. She asked if Ms. Wilson had spoken with City Manager Jon Ruiz on the issue. Ms. Wilson affirmed <br />that she had. She related that Mr. Ruiz had agreed to represent the City on the issue, after she had brought <br />it before the CCIGR. <br />Mayor Piercy felt a need to have a better idea of how this would fit into the City’s budgetary issues. She <br />was uncertain whether they were ready for this. <br />Ms. Taylor thought it sounded like LTD was in favor. She indicated her support for it. <br />Ms. Taylor moved to support the grant application provided the other agencies shared <br />equally and the City’s portion would not go over $8,000. The motion died for lack of a <br />second. <br />Ms. Wilson observed that they would need direction as to where the money would come from. <br />Ms. Ortiz, seconded by Mr. Poling, moved to take the application before the City Council <br />for consideration. The motion passed unanimously, 3:0. <br />Mr. Poling adjourned the meeting at 2:04 p.m. <br /> (Recorded by Ruth Atcherson) <br />MINUTES—Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations February 3, 2010 Page 6 <br />