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Ms. Wilson stated that the bill would prohibit insurers from treating injuries sustained from sexual <br />violence as a preexisting condition. She noted that Risk Services Director Myrnie Daut had recommended <br />they monitor the bill given that the City was self-insured and it would not have a direct fiscal impact. <br />Ms. Ortiz said the City should support the bill as a statement because it was the right thing to do. Mr. <br />Poling concurred. <br />Mr. Poling, seconded by Ms. Ortiz, moved to adopt a Priority 2 Support position on HB <br />3631. The motion passed unanimously, 3:0. <br />House Bill 3623 <br />Ms. Wilson stated that the bill would require the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) to include <br />informational materials regarding human trafficking with certain licensing materials. She recommended <br />adoption of a Priority 3 Support because the City Council had adopted a Priority 2 Support position on a <br />bill in 2007 that sought to make human trafficking a crime. She noted that the City of Portland had the <br />highestper capita sex industry in the nation, which many attributed to its location at the crossroads of two <br />interstate highways. She related that the Oregon State Police had reported coming into contact with three <br />to five human trafficking victims a week, half of which were children. <br />The CCIGR agreed with the staff recommendation to adopt a Priority 3 Support position on HB 3623. <br />HB 3625 <br />Ms. Wilson stated that the bill would designate May as Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month. She <br />said she had recommended adoption of a Priority 3 Support because of one of the United Front projects <br />supported over the past several years had been a study of the infant and fetal mortality rates in Lane <br />County, which was higher than the state and national averages. <br />Ms. Taylor opined that there were already too many special months and days and questioned why they <br />needed to adopt another one. <br />Mayor Piercy pointed out that designating a particular day or month provided organizations the opportuni- <br />ty to aim an education program to raise awareness. <br />The CCIGR left the staff recommendation to adopt a Priority 3 Support position on HB 3625 intact. <br />House Joint Resolution 100 <br />Ms. Wilson explained that HJR 100 would propose an amendment to the Oregon Constitution that would <br />establish the right of all Oregonians to equal opportunity to lead healthy and productive lives. She said she <br />had brought the bill to the CCIGR because it was a broad policy and because it was co-sponsored by State <br />Senator Bill Morrissette. <br />Mr. Poling said he could not find the definition of legal resident in the amendment. Ms. Wilson responded <br />that she had noticed this, too, and intended to talk to Sen. Morrissette about it. <br />Mr. Poling asked who would be responsible for financing it. Ms. Wilson replied that she was certain that <br />the amendment would be the beginning of a larger discussion on health care. <br />MINUTES—Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations January 27, 2010 Page 5 <br />