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ATTACHMENT B <br />M I N U T E S <br />Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations <br />McNutt Room—Eugene City Hall <br />777 Pearl Street—Eugene, Oregon <br />February 3, 2010 <br />1:30 p.m. <br />PRESENT: George Poling, Chair; Andrea Ortiz, Betty Taylor, members; Brenda Wilson(participating <br />by telephone), Jessica Mumme, City Manager's Office; Ethan Nelson, Planning and De- <br />velopment Department; Larry Hill, Financial Services; Mike Penwell, Facility Manage- <br />ment, Central Services Department; Paul Klope, Public Works Department; Kitty Piercy, <br />Mayor. <br />1. Call to Order and Review Agenda <br />Mr. Poling called the meeting of the Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations (CCIGR) to order <br />and asked if there were any changes to the agenda. <br />Program Coordinator, Jessica Mumme, added an item to notify the CCIGR of a grant from the Eugene <br />Airport. She noted that no match would be required. She also pointed out a one-page item from David <br />Wilde in regard to Emerald Rail Transit. <br />2. Review Pending Legislation <br />House Bill 3609 <br />Mr. Poling stated that the bill related to Enterprise Zones. <br />Ms. Taylor thought that they should adopt an Oppose position. <br />Senior Management Analyst for the Finance Division, Larry Hill, explained that he had recommended that <br />they adopt a Support position because the bill was consistent with the City’s Legislative Policies <br />document. He related that the document specifically called for Enterprise Zones to be made more flexible <br />and the bill would do that. He explained that the bill would also limit the flexibility so that, for instance, <br />should the City suffer a loss of jobs for two consecutive quarters and be two points below the state <br />unemployment rate, then the bill would kick in and the council would have the option to review individual <br />enterprise zone agreements and decide whether to extend an agreement or to change the number of jobs <br />required under an agreement. <br />Ms. Ortiz asked if it would stop the tax exemption. Mr. Hill replied that it would not negate it. <br />Ms. Ortiz recalled a committee effort regarding enterprise zone expansion. She understood that the <br />process at that point had been that the City had been required to go to the state for approval of the language <br />changes that had been proposed. She thought that if the City wanted to do something similar, the bill <br />MINUTES—Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations February 3, 2010 Page 1 <br />