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<br />Current Status: The program continues to operate and struggles to meet current demands. <br />1998 Council repealed camping in industrial areas and expanded camping options at businesses and <br />public property based on CCHY’s recommendation. SVDP received a contract for on-street <br />facilitation services. The City provided 15 camping spaces and encouraged intergovernmental <br />partners, churches, and businesses to provide spaces. <br />Current Status: This program still operates. <br />2004 Lane County plan submitted to end chronic homelessness as part of their HUD 2004 Continuum <br />of Care application. <br />Current Status: Funding has been directed to this effort, and the City subsequently supported <br />three St. Vincent dePaul VetLIFT projects for previously homeless veterans. <br />2006 Eugene provided limited duration funds for homelessness prevention, transportation assistance <br />and to increase hours at two access centers in response to a City Council goal. <br />Current Status: Funding has continued to be renewed annually. <br />2007 Council adopted goal of Helping the Homeless as one of 10 goals. <br /> Current Status: Staff prepared revised action plans for Council approval. <br />Project Homeless Connect took place in February 2007 and provided assistance to 1007 homeless <br />people. <br />Current Status: PHC has occurred annually three times, each year serving more people. The <br />fourth event will be on March 18, 2010. <br /> Mayor Piercy appointed a 21 member “Blue Ribbon Committee” to develop recommendations for <br />a stable, sustainable funding source to address homelessness.. <br />Current Status: The committee completed its work in April 2008. Implementation of <br />recommendations will be timed based on resources and balancing community priorities. <br />2009 Eugene received funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for <br />“Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-housing”. Eugene subcontracted with the Lane County <br />Human Services Commission to allocate the funds through local service providers. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Z:\CMO\2010 Council Agendas\M100224\S100224B-and attA-D.doc <br />