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Exhibit A <br />Legislative Findings <br />to Ordinance No. 20457 <br />Code Amendments. <br /> Eugene Code Section 9.8065 requires that the following criteria (in bold <br />and italic) be applied to a code amendment. <br />(1) Is consistent with applicable statewide planning goals as adopted by the Land <br />Conservation and Development Commission. <br />Goal 1 Citizen Involvement: To develop a citizen involvement program that insures the <br />opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process. <br />The City of Eugene’s land use code implements Statewide Planning Goal 1 by requiring that <br />notice of the proposed land use code amendments be given and public hearings be held prior to <br />adoption. Consideration of the amendments began with a Eugene Planning Commission work <br />session on July 13, 2009. On August 25, 2009, a public hearing was held before the Eugene <br />Planning Commission on the amendments. Department of Land Conservation and Development <br />notice, notice to affected property owners, Planning Commissioners, neighborhood group leaders <br />and interested parties, as well as a legal notice in the local newspaper was provided for that <br />hearing. Additionally, a properly noticed public hearing before the Eugene City Council will be <br />held on February 16, 2010. <br />The process for adopting these amendments complies with Goal 1 since it complies with, and <br />surpasses the requirements of the State’s citizen involvement provisions. <br />Goal 2 - Land Use Planning: To establish a land use planning process and policy framework as <br />a basis for all decisions and actions related to use of land and to assure an adequate factual <br />base for such decisions and actions. <br />The Eugene Land Use Code specifies the procedure and criteria that were used in considering <br />these amendments to the code. The record shows that there is an adequate factual base for the <br />amendments. The Goal 2 coordination requirement is met when the City engages in an <br />exchange, or invites such an exchange, between the city and any affected governmental unit and <br />when the City uses the information obtained in the exchange to balance the needs of the citizens. <br />To comply with the Goal 2 coordination requirement, the City provided information and sought <br />input on these proposed land use code amendments from all affected governmental units. <br />Specifically, Lane County, Oregon Department of Transportation, Lane Transit District, the <br />University of Oregon and other affected governmental agencies. <br />There are no Goal 2 exceptions required for this ordinance. Therefore, the amendments are <br />consistent with Goal 2. <br />Legislative Findings <br />1 of 6 <br />Page <br />