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Item 1: Ordinance on Downtown Urban Renewal Amendment
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2010
CC Agenda - 04/19/10 Public Hearning
Item 1: Ordinance on Downtown Urban Renewal Amendment
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Last modified
6/9/2010 12:16:32 PM
Creation date
4/16/2010 1:07:56 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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ûÈÈÛÙÔÏ×ÎÈù <br />ORDINANCE NO. _________ <br />AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN AMENDED URBAN RENEWAL PLAN <br />FOR THE DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT. <br /> The City Council of the City of Eugene finds that: <br /> A. <br /> The Urban Renewal Plan for the Central Eugene Project (“the Plan”) was initially <br />adopted on July 3, 1968, by Resolution No. 257 of the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of <br />Eugene (“the Agency”), and on December 19, 1968, by Resolution No. 1609 of the Eugene City <br />Council. The Plan has subsequently been amended, most recently on September 13, 2004, by <br />Ordinance No. 20328 of the Eugene City Council. <br />B. <br /> The City Council’s 2009 Vision and Goals include a goal to foster a vibrant <br />downtown. The City Council and the Urban Renewal Agency Board of Directors (“the Agency <br />Board”) have determined that the following projects, using urban renewal as a financing tool, are <br />consistent with that goal and will require an amendment of the Plan: <br />(1) Lane Community College’s (“LCC”) new downtown campus. LCC wants to <br />build a new state-of-the-art education facility on the vacant half-block located at <br />th <br />10 Avenue and Charnelton Street, across from the downtown Eugene Public <br />Library. The new green (LEED Platinum) education facility will include job <br />training programs, the Energy Management program, business development and <br />senior programs, and other LCC educational programming. LCC is also <br />considering the inclusion of student housing in the project. Up to $8 million of <br />urban renewal funds would be used to help LCC build the new Downtown <br />Campus project. <br />(2) Public safety improvements and increased police staffing. Public safety <br />improvements are a key strategy to creating a vibrant and economically healthy <br />place. Increasing public safety services and coordinating with other agencies will <br />make downtown a more welcoming place for everyone. Downtown public safety, <br />including additional police officers, will be funded from dollars freed up by using <br />up to $4.9 million of urban renewal funds to pay off the debt (excluding interest) <br />on the Broadway Place garages. <br />th <br />(3) Veterans Affairs (VA) Willamette Street Clinic. If the VA chooses the 12 <br />Avenue and Willamette Street site for its new clinic, the facility will provide <br />service to veterans in our community, fill a currently underutilized building, and <br />create a medical sector hub for businesses and jobs downtown. The plan <br />amendment proposes to expand the downtown urban renewal boundary to include <br />the site and to spend up to $2.5 million of urban renewal funds to make <br />improvements near that location. <br />(4) Park Blocks improvements for the Farmers’ Market. Improvements to the Park <br />th <br />Blocks along 8 Avenue to make the location more attractive and functional for <br />the Farmers’ Market will support a cornerstone of downtown activity and one of <br />Ordinance - Page 1 of 3 <br />
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