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CC Minutes - 02/26/10 Joint Elected Officials
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 02/26/10 Joint Elected Officials
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City Council Minutes
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February 26, 2010 <br />Joint Elected Officials Meeting <br />City of Springfield <br />City of Eugene <br />Lane County <br /> <br />Page 11 of 13 <br /> <br /> <br />in which the proceeds would benefit animal welfare. That would be an opportunity for animal lovers <br />to buy a license plate, generating funds that could funnel back to the local level. <br /> <br />Councilor Poling said he would like to further investigate the non-profit/public partnership, giving <br />both organizations the opportunity to save some money. He didn’t want to get too bogged down in a <br />community vision process. This was something that needed to be addressed soon. He and his wife had <br />been doing volunteer work for an animal rescue support group for the past few years, and had visited <br />many animal shelters in Oregon and Washington that were fine facilities. He suggested looking at <br />those facilities when considering a new facility in Lane County. There were a lot of people in the <br />community that would likely step forward to support this effort. He would like to hear more during a <br />work session. He wasn’t aware that the City of Springfield had suggested the license plate, and he <br />thought it was a good idea. He would like to continue the discussion on this subject. <br /> <br />Councilor Simmons said he had met with Ms. Gaffney in September and he noted that Springfield had <br />a cost issue so it needed to proceed carefully. There was a perception difference. Springfield had an <br />attitude of containment and movement to the shelter, and Eugene had a more open process of getting <br />the animal taken care of and adopted. He noted his past experience as an animal control officer and <br />some of the dangerous animals he encountered. He was supportive of this, but it would be important to <br />balance the differences between the jurisdictions. His predecessor, Councilor John Woodrow, would <br />have been very supportive of this effort. He wanted to be sure this was looked at seriously. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fleenor said LCAS was not a no-kill facility. They recognized that some animals had to <br />be euthanized. One of the things they were looking for was standardization of codes within the <br />jurisdictions. They would also ask for permission to work with the cities to canvas the jurisdictions to <br />get more licensing. License fees could possibly help in putting forth a levy. Building a new facility <br />could take longer than taking some of these other steps. <br /> <br />Councilor Pryor said he agreed with finding ways to partner for a solution. Operationally, some things <br />could be done now, but the challenging issue was regarding the building. He agreed that the facility <br />was at the end of its useful life, but he noted that Eugene’s city hall and street lights were also at the <br />end of their useful lives. Eugene had deferred maintenance on an entire infrastructure, so this was not a <br />unique problem. The jurisdictions needed to find ways to get out of all of the challenges. This building <br />was something that was used regularly by the public and needed to be addressed soon. <br /> <br />Councilor Zelenka said he liked the idea of a partnership and he also like the license plate idea. A <br />couple of years ago, Eugene talked about what would happen if animal services were not provided, <br />and those outcomes were much worse. He asked how the original building had been funded. <br /> <br />Ms. Gaffney said she was not sure. She had documentation of how the three jurisdictions divided the <br />land, but not of the construction cost. <br /> <br />Councilor Zelenka asked if this project would be right for stimulus funding. <br /> <br />Ms. Gaffney said she hadn’t seen an opportunity for this type of project through stimulus funding. <br />They had looked at other possible grants, which were challenging for the public sector to receive. <br /> <br />
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