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Ordinance No. 20459
City of Eugene
2010 No. 20450-20469
Ordinance No. 20459
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/2/2012 1:12:02 PM
Creation date
5/25/2010 2:50:15 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance Amending Urban Renewal District
Approved Date
Kitty Piercy
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limitations "do not apply to the extent the municipality approving a plan obtains the written <br />concurrence of taxing districts imposing at least 75 percent of the amount of taxes imposed <br />under permanent rate limits in the urban renewal area. " Together, School District 4J and the <br />City impose at least 75% of the amount of taxes imposed under permanent rate limits in the <br />urban renewal area. On May 19, 2010, the School Board for District 4J adopted a motion, for <br />purposes of that statute, concurring with the increase in maximum indebtedness. The City <br />concurs with that increase in maximum indebtedness by enacting this ordinance. Therefore, the <br />new legislative limitations are not applicable to the proposed maximum indebtedness increase. <br />M. In response to information received after the Agency Board forwarded the <br />proposed Plan and Report to the City, the list of projects, maximum indebtedness, and area of the <br />District were reduced and the proposed Plan was revised to reflect those reductions (the "revised, <br />proposed Plan "). The revised, proposed Plan removed the Veterans' Affairs clinic spending and <br />boundary expansion, and includes the following: <br />(1) Increasing the maximum indebtedness by $13.6 million, to a total of $46.6 million, to <br />cover the three specific projects itemized in Findings C and D above; <br />(2) Annual review of tax increment projects by a community member panel; and <br />(3) Ceasing the division of taxes for the District after debt issued to pay for the projects is <br />repaid or defeased. <br />N. Based on the recommendations of the Agency Board and the Planning <br />Commission, and the written and oral testimony before the Planning Commission and the City <br />Council, the City Council specifically finds and determines that: <br />(1) The area defined in the revised, proposed Plan is blighted for the reasons explained in <br />Exhibit C to this Ordinance; <br />(2) The rehabilitation and redevelopment described in the revised, proposed Plan is <br />necessary to protect the public health, safety or welfare of the City; <br />(3) The revised, proposed Plan conforms to the Metropolitan Area General Plan, State <br />Land Use Planning Goals, the Downtown Plan, the adopted Growth Management <br />Policies, the Vision for Greater Downtown Eugene, and other adopted City plans and <br />policies, including the Downtown Goal, and provides an outline for accomplishing <br />the urban renewal projects proposed in the revised, proposed Plan; <br />(4) No one will be displaced as a result of any of the three projects included in the <br />revised, proposed Plan; <br />(5) No real property will be acquired as a result of the three projects included in the <br />revised, proposed Plan; <br />(6) Adoption and carrying out of the revised, proposed Plan is economically sound and <br />feasible as described in the Report included in Exhibit B to this Ordinance; and <br />(7) The City shall assume and complete any activities prescribed by the revised, proposed <br />Plan. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1 . Based upon the above findings, the Report on the Urban Renewal Plan <br />accompanying the Plan attached as Exhibit B, and the blight findings attached as Exhibit C to <br />Ordinance -- Page 3 of 4 <br />
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