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Item C: Envision Eugene - Project Approach
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2010
CC Agenda - 06/14/10 Work Session
Item C: Envision Eugene - Project Approach
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6/11/2010 1:25:30 PM
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6/11/2010 11:18:28 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />representation) as a working group to make recommendations that will form the basis of a draft future <br />growth scenario. This approach will also have a thorough public engagement component that keeps the <br />general public informed while providing opportunities to have a voice in the process. The primary <br />components of this approach include: <br /> <br /> <br />1.Community Consensus <br />Since the beginning of 2010, staff has listened to over 300 community members in all corners of <br />the city about their views on planning and future growth. This effort recently culminated in a <br />three-day workshop that included participants with a wide variety of views on the issue of <br />growth. One example from this workshop included two participants who identified themselves <br />as coming from different ends of the political spectrum. After several days of listening to one <br />another and finding common purpose, the two sat down to talk about their hopes for the future <br />and found that 80% of them were held in common. It is this type of relationship-building and <br />problem-solving that can lead to a community consensus decision. Attachment B is a collective <br />statement of the best possible outcomes of the three day workshop in the words of the <br />participants. <br /> <br /> <br />2.Strategic Technical Analysis and Information <br />Time and money can be saved by strategically focusing data and information needs. Rather than <br />spend lots of time and money on upfront technical analysis from which a growth scenario is <br />selected, this approach utilizes a “just in time” analysis that is specifically tied to desired <br />outcomes of the community. There is a tremendous amount of knowledge and local expertise <br />within the Eugene community. This approach relies on this local expertise. As a future vision <br />for Eugene begins to take shape and specific information needs become apparent, staff and <br />consultants will work to provide this information in a more defined and strategic manner. <br /> <br /> <br />3.“Jaws of Uncertainty” <br />The concept of the “jaws of uncertainty” has been brought up as a way to deal with the inherent <br />difficulties of forecasting the future. There is an understandable level of discomfort with locking <br />Eugene into a future growth scenario which may or may not be relevant over the next 20 years. <br />Staff continues to explore options with the state that can allow for flexibility and responsiveness <br />to changing conditions throughout the 20-year planning period. One of the options that is being <br />explored is a recurring “land needs analysis check-in,” that examines whether past assumptions <br />have held true and accounts for any unexpected variations in the land supply. <br /> <br />A future growth scenario that results from a community-backed process can lead to an expedited legal <br />adoption process. State and regional partners will be invited to be at the table as the future growth <br />scenario is developed. <br /> <br />The traditional process for urban growth boundary decisions is cumbersome, rigid, and overly-complex. <br />This is an opportunity to redefine the City’s working relationship with the state, the county, and <br />Eugene’s citizens while reaching an outcome that is more satisfying to more people. This is a new <br />approach and, as such, there is not a clear map to use for guidance. If for some reason, this process <br />proves to be unsuccessful, a more traditional approach can be taken without much loss of time. The <br />work that will be undertaken as part of the new approach is the same work that needs to be done as part <br />of a traditional approach. <br /> <br /> Z:\CMO\2010 Council Agendas\M100614\S100614C.doc <br /> <br />
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