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Item 1: TransPlan and Metro Plan Amendments
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2010
CC Agenda - 06/17/10 Joint Elected Officials
Item 1: TransPlan and Metro Plan Amendments
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6/11/2010 2:23:10 PM
Creation date
6/11/2010 12:48:49 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br /> (LCDC) a work plan for making TransPlan consistent with the RTP. <br /> <br />Eugene, Springfield and Lane County concluded that they could not make a finding that TransPlan is <br />consistent with the RTP, nor could they update TransPlan by November 7, 2008, to be consistent with the <br />RTP. Accordingly, the three jurisdictions sought LCDC’s approval of a work plan. On October 16, 2008, <br />LCDC approved with conditions the Regional Transportation Work Plan (“Work Plan”). The Work Plan <br />represents a logical, coordinated, and programmatic approach for updating local and regional land use and <br />transportation plans. <br /> <br />The Work Plan requires as early, interim steps in the overall update process that the local jurisdictions <br />amend TransPlan in the following ways: (1) delete transportation projects that have been completed; (2) <br />delete the West Eugene Parkway; (3) move four ODOT projects from the Future list to the Financially <br />Constrained list; and, (4) adjust TransPlan’s planning period to be better reflective of actual population. <br />A copy of the Work Plan is attached to this agenda item summary as Attachment B. The shift of four <br />ODOT projects from the Future projects list to the Financially Constrained list has been accomplished <br />through a separate process. The removal of the West Eugene Parkway will be considered during <br />development of the Eugene Transportation System Plan at a later date. Thus, this public hearing considers <br />only deletion of the completed projects and adjustment of TransPlan’s planning period. <br /> <br />The amendments to be considered during this hearing were considered by the three metro-area Planning <br />Commissions in April, 2009. The three Planning Commissions recommended approval. When the <br />amendment process started, the planning period adjustment utilized a population forecast based on the <br />safe-harbor method. Following the completion of Lane County’s coordinated population forecasts, on <br />September 1, 2009, the three Planning Commissions recommend that the TransPlan planning period <br />amendments recommended for adoption in April, 2009, be adjusted to reflect the coordinated population <br />numbers. On September 22, 2009, the two City Councils and the County Board of Commissioners <br />unanimously voted “to establish a process for proposed transportation planning horizon amendments that <br />allows new evidence at the governing body joint hearing and allows the governing bodies’ decision to be <br />based on the new evidence as well as the evidentiary record created before the planning commissions.” <br />No letters of public testimony have been received as of the time this report was written. Any additional <br />written comments received after the preparation of this staff report will be provided at the public hearing <br />for inclusion into the public record. <br /> <br />DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: <br /> 1. Project List Amendments: <br /> As noted above, when the Metropolitan Policy Commission <br />(MPC) updated the federally-required RTP in November, 2007, among other amendments made to the <br />RTP, MPC deleted projects that have been built. These completed projects should now be deleted from <br />TransPlan. Since the Metro Plan incorporates by reference TransPlan’s project lists, the Metro Plan <br />must also be “amended” to acknowledge the changes to the project lists that are contained in TransPlan. <br />It is the intent of these amendments to only remove projects that have been completed, not projects that <br />can be removed for other policy reasons. The three Planning Commissions recommend that any projects <br />completed after their deliberation, but prior to this hearing, also be deleted at this time. The proposed <br />project list amendments are set forth in Exhibit A to the ordinance (Attachment A to the AIS). <br /> <br /> 2. TransPlan Text Amendments: <br />The region covered by TransPlan is the “TransPlan Study <br />Area.” The TransPlan Study Area extends beyond the UGB and Metro Plan boundary and is used for <br />transportation modeling purposes. TransPlan includes provisions for meeting the transportation demand <br /> 2 of 5 <br />
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