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CC Minutes - 02/17/10 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 02/17/10 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />Eugene City Council <br />McNutt Room City Hall 777 Pearl Street <br />Eugene, Oregon <br />February 17, 2010 <br />Noon <br />COUNCILORS PRESENT: Mike Clark, Andrea Ortiz, Jennifer Solomon, Chris Pryor, George Brown, <br />Betty Taylor. Alan Zelenka participated by telephone. <br />COUNCILORS ABSENT: George Poling. <br />Her Honor Mayor Kitty Piercy called the work session of the Eugene City Council to order. <br />City Manager Jon Ruiz asked City Attorney Emily Jerome to speak about an item that had carne up during <br />the previous evening's meeting regarding Civic Stadium. <br />Ms. Jerome stated that at present there was no plan for Civic Stadium that would bring an action before <br />the City Council. She said it was possible that eventually the council could be asked to consider a change <br />in designation for the property. Since no action was imminent, the councilors did not need to worry about <br />ex parte contacts. She advised them to consider whether the actions they would take or things they would <br />say could cause people to believe they were biased and that it would be difficult for them to entertain <br />other ideas. She stressed that as long as they could remain open - minded and as long as opinions expressed <br />at a public hearing did not "pin [them] in a corner" in that way, they would be legally able to testify. <br />Ms. Ortiz had understood the Mayor's comments to be around whether or not the councilors wanted to <br />participate in the conversation about Civic Stadium and whether the City would be involved in the process <br />or not. She did not want to give direction to the 4J School Board. <br />Ms. Jerome said this was appropriate, adding that councilors could express opinions as long as they could <br />maintain an open mind. <br />Mayor Piercy recalled that the discussion was on whether the council should take up Civic Stadium as a <br />topic in a meeting and also whether a councilor would want to testify at the school board meeting <br />scheduled for that evening. <br />Ms. Taylor asked what would happen if one did put oneself in a corner. Ms. Jerome replied that a <br />councilor that did so should ask to be recused from a future decision -- making process. She said the time to <br />do so would be when asked to disclose ex parte contacts and conflicts of interest, and should one not be <br />forthcoming about this, and should a challenge to a decision later be raised, this could compromise the <br />decision and cause it to be thrown out. <br />In response to a question from Mr. Clark, Ms. Jerome said it was possible to indicate that though a person <br />had expressed opinions in the past, he or she felt they could still remain open - minded in the decision - <br />making process. <br />MINUTES Eugene City Council February 17, 2010 Page 1 <br />Work Session <br />
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