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From: <br /> <br />To: <br />*Eugene Mayor and City Council; <br />Subject: <br />Whilamut Passage Bridge <br />Date: <br />Tuesday, July 20, 2010 12:06:42 PM <br />Greetings Mayor Piercy and Eugene City Councilors, <br />I am writing you to support the naming of the new I-5 bridge over the Willamette <br />RiverWhilamut Passage Bridge.As a young boy, back in the early 1960's, I <br />walked home from school up Birch Lane where I watched the construction of the <br />first bridge, an uninspiring bridge just known as the I-5 bridge over the <br />Willamette. To the west of the bridge was a huge landfill site. Now we have a <br />wonderful open space where that landfill was, Whilamut Natural Area. And now <br />we have the opportunity to name our beautiful new bridge over the Willamette <br />River. What a grand proposal it is to name this new bridge Whilmut Passage <br />Bridge, with all the meaning and history it stands for. <br />I urge you to recommend to ODOT the naming of the new I-5/Willamette River <br />bridgeWhilamut Passage Bridge.Thank you for this opportunity to comment <br />and all the work you do for our community. <br />Sincerely, <br />Jerry Jacobson <br />4472 Shadow Wood Dr <br />Eugene, OR 97405 <br /> <br />