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CC Minutes - 05/10/10 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 05/10/10 Work Session
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3/23/2012 12:48:08 PM
Creation date
7/28/2010 4:41:20 PM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Zelenka said the opponents of the proposal were suggesting the Lake Oswego schools get better <br />funding rather than Eugene having the four projects. The proposal did not raise taxes, did not hurt the <br />schools, and achieved the four projects. He believed that the proposal gave the City a vision for <br />downtown with a funding mechanism that made sense. <br />Ms. Ortiz left the meeting. <br />Ms. Taylor wanted to know the objection to placing the item on the ballot. City Manager Ruiz suggested <br />that was a council policy decision. He said that it was not up to him to decide. Ms. Taylor pointed out <br />that City Manager Ruiz made the recommendation that the issue not go on the ballot. <br />Mr. Clark suggested that framing the discussion as pitting the interest of the County against the interest of <br />the City was unfortunate. He believed that if one was to look at the issue from a broader point of view, <br />having a revitalized downtown LCC campus served all County residents, as did a safer downtown. If the <br />City was able to secure the VA Clinic downtown, it would serve veterans on a regional basis, and he <br />believed the community owed veterans that service. He pointed out the Farmers Market drew people from <br />around Lane County. He suggested the council keep a broader perspective in mind. <br />Mayor Piercy added that the council was acutely aware of the County's financial state because it affected <br />everyone profoundly. She believed the City had tried to be a good partner to the County in dozens of <br />ways, and the City had cooperated with creative solutions. She believed that all understood that they lived <br />together in the County and each jurisdiction's problems affected the other. <br />Mr. Pryor concurred with Mayor Piercy and with Mr. Brown that the council was in poor financial shape. <br />He said if there were ways the City could work with the County to make it whole to the degree possible, <br />he would support that. The County served the same citizens the County did. However, he did not want <br />that to occur at the expense of something else. <br />Mr. Pryor pointed out the council frequently dealt with financial issues but did not refer them all to the <br />ballot. He further pointed out that the citizens had the right to refer the issue. He noted that the City did <br />not put the condemnation of the Beverly and Green properties out for a vote, and that action had involved <br />a financial decision. <br />Mr. Brown asserted that if the council did not adopt the plan, everyone's taxes would go down. <br />Mr. Brown referred to page 157 of the Agenda Item Summary, and pointed out that the voters voted on <br />urban renewal throughout the 1990s and had been supportive. He suggested the best way to come to <br />consensus was to let the voters decide. <br />Mr. Brown requested an update on the plan to buy the building across from Lane Community College at <br />1 059 Willamette Street. City Manager Ruiz recalled the council's most recent direction not to pursue <br />acquisition of the building. Mr. Brown asked why it was mentioned in the plan on page 23. Ms. Flannery <br />Nobel indicated the reference could be taken out, recalling the plan was drafted in the middle of February <br />and had not been updated since. <br />The motion passed, 5:2; Ms. Taylor and Mr. Brown voting no. <br />Mayor Piercy adjourned the work session at 6:57 p.m. <br />MINUTES - --pity Council May 10, 2010 Page 9 <br />Work Session <br />
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