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Grants Manager for the Community Development Division Stephanie Jennings explained that the Consolidated <br />Plan sought to identify the needs of low - income persons as related to low- income housing, homelessness, and <br />community economic development. She said it also would create a broad strategic plan for how they would use the <br />monies from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) over the next five years. She stated that <br />though the plan was a requirement, it also presented the opportunity to think strategically about how best to meet <br />the needs of this group. She said the plan represented the culmination of more than a year's work and had been <br />developed in collaboration with the City of Springfield, the Human Services Commission, the Housing and <br />Community Services Agency, and many other partners. Staff had worked closely with the Housing Policy Board <br />(HPB) and the CDBG Advisory Committee and the document had come before the council with the full <br />endorsement of both bodies. <br />Ms. Jennings stated that the plan was data - driven and they had conducted outreach to the public to help identify the <br />needs. She said the completed draft had been made available for public comment over the past month. She <br />highlighted some of the data, which indicated an increase in need and homelessness. <br />Councilor Pryor thanked Ms. Jennings and staff for their "incredible work" on the plan. He stated that in addition <br />to being well put together and well- researched, if one looked at page 20 it would give an idea of the number of <br />opportunities, organizations, surveys, committee meetings, and interest groups that were involved in the <br />preparation of the plan. He was pleased with the number of people who had an opportunity to review and <br />participate in it. He believed that this would make the report a document that could be used and not left on the <br />shelf. <br />Mayor Piercy said the work in the plan would help the City with some of its strategic work to meet the needs and <br />goals of the community. <br />City Manager Ruiz echoed Councilor Pryor. <br />Roll call vote; the motion passed unanimously, 6:0. <br />4. ACTION: <br />Approval of 2010111 Funding Allocations for Federal Community Development Block Grant and <br />HOME Investment Partnership Programs <br />Ms. Jennings explained that the CDBG and HOME Investment Partnership Programs were related to the <br />Consolidated Plan. She said each year the City developed an action plan and submitted it to HUD and the plan <br />basically told them what the community would do with its CDBG and HOME funds. She related that plans were <br />done in partnership with Springfield. <br />Ms. Jennings stated that staff had worked closely with the CDBG Advisory Committee to develop a <br />recommendation for the use of funds. She said their focus was on the greatest impact and the readiness to receive <br />the funding. She listed the recommended allocations, which included funding for the land banking program for <br />affordable housing, operating funds for nine social service programs, five non - profit capital facility improvements, <br />curb cuts and accessible pedestrian signals, micro - enterprise training, and program administration. <br />Ms. Jennings reported that the HOME recommendation was similar to previous years, with funding for housing <br />development, home ownership assistance, and operating funds for community housing development organizations <br />and administration. She said the housing development funds were made available through a housing Request for <br />Proposals (RFP), the results of which would be brought back to the council in late July, with a decision to be made <br />at that time about which specific projects to support. <br />MINUTES Eugene City Council April 26, 2010 Page 6 <br />Regular Meeting <br />