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committee and the project had not been considered. She guessed that the items that would have been cut would <br />have been curb ramps and the audible pedestrian signals, given that they were the last items to be added. <br />Councilor Zelenka averred that the NCS was a very notable project and served a good public need, but he said it <br />also needed to make economic sense. He was not comfortable with an eleventh hour process because of this <br />deadline, nor was he comfortable deciding which program to ax in order to allocate $100,000 to the charter school. <br />He reiterated that even if the school was allocated $1 00,000, it would not get them to the point of being able to buy <br />the building. <br />Councilor Brown suggested that they could eliminate the money allocated for land banking and reallocate it to the <br />school. <br />Roll call vote; the motion failed, 4:2; councilors Taylor and Brown voting in favor. <br />Councilor Clark, seconded by Councilor Taylor, moved to approve the One -Year Action Plan for <br />use of Federal Community Development Block Grant and HOME funds in 2010111. Roll call <br />vote; the motion passed unanimously, 6:0. <br />The meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />1 <br />......... <br />Jon Ruiz <br />City Manager <br />(Recorded by Ruth Atcherson) <br />MMTES Eugene City Council April 26, 2010 Page 8 <br />Regular Meeting <br />