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CC Minutes - 01/13/10 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 01/13/10 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
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Mr. Zelenka stated he was not inclined to support the amendment. <br />Mr. Clark commented he had spoken with various area developers and believed that they had suffered a <br />substantial loss in membership over the course of the last year. He further noted that he had made the <br />motion under discussion out of a desire to remove barriers to local development. <br />Mr. Clark asked why certain Springfield developers had chosen not to take advantage of SDC deferrals. <br />Ms. Burns believed that Springfield developers had not utilized the SDC deferrals because there were still <br />liens on the properties in question. <br />Mr. Clark offered to withdraw his amended motion that had been tabled from the January 11 council <br />meeting. Ms Solomon, as the second to that motion, was not present to provide her consent. Absent Ms. <br />Solomon's consent on the matter, Ms. Brotherton advised that the council simply vote on the motion. <br />Ms. Piercy called for a vote on the previously tabled amendment. The amendment failed; <br />7-00. <br />Ms. Piercy called for a vote on the previously tabled motion. The motion passed un- <br />animously, 7:0. <br />B. WORK SESSION: Adoption of Federal Priority Project Lists <br />Intergovernmental Relations (IGR) Manager Brenda Wilson briefly described how the federal appropria- <br />tions process worked and also briefly discussed how the City of Eugene generally participated in the <br />United Front Partners of Lane County federal priority process. <br />Ms. Wilson reported that the City of Cottage Grove had recently withdrawn from its participation in the <br />United Front process. <br />Ms. Wilson described the United Front partnership process and how it had financially benefited a variety <br />of local areas and interests. She noted that the list of federal priorities projects developed as part of that <br />ongoing process had been thoroughly reviewed by the City's IGR Committee before it was taken before <br />the Eugene City Council for final action. <br />Ms. Wilson noted that the amount of available congressionally delegated spending appropriations or <br />"earmarks" had gone down by approximately 6 percent from FY06. She briefly discussed how such <br />appropriations had been processed by the City's congressional delegations since that time. <br />Ms. Wilson described how the Delta Ponds project request had been funded with American Recovery and <br />Reinvestment Act (ARRA)funds and further noted how representatives from the federal office of the U.S. <br />Army Corps of Engineers had participated in that process. <br />Ms. Wilson recommended that she and her United Front colleagues continue to travel to Washington, <br />D.C. to pursue additional federal funding for local projects. She maintained that such efforts would <br />continue to yield significant benefits for Eugene and the surrounding communities. <br />Ms. Wilson described for the benefit of the council the various federal priority projects that had been <br />listed as part of the agenda item summary materials. She noted that the projects had been divided into <br />three categories: Updates and Programmatic Requests; FYI I Appropriations Requests; and Reauthoriza- <br />tion Requests. <br />MINUTES Eugene City Council January 13, 2009 Page 3 <br />Work Session <br />
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