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CC Minutes - 01/11/10 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 01/11/10 Meeting
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7/29/2010 9:45:21 AM
City Council Minutes
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funding on the Beam project at a difficult economic time and suggested that the council stop considering <br />federal money to be free money. Mr. Oabrielson also noted his objection to the Dream Act. He did not think <br />that illegal immigrants should be given special treatment. He indicated his concurrence with the remarks of <br />Ms. Clarke about the firm that maintained the library, saying it also maintained the wastewater facility and <br />many people did not feel it did a good job. <br />Mayor Piercy closed the public forum. She noted her own concerns about contracting City services as a <br />policy and was also concerned about the relationship between the City and its unions. She had sought <br />direction from the City Attorney about the degree to which the council could become involved in the issue and <br />was waiting to hear back. She thanked the Susta.inability Commission for sharing its concerns and noted that <br />she had sent an e-mail to the council that afternoon about the same issue. She acknowledged the gap in <br />preservation funding but questioned if the council wanted to restrict STP funds by policy to that use. <br />Councilor Poling asked how many people were laid off as a result of the library contract. City Manager Jon <br />Ruiz indicated no City employees were laid off. Councilor Poling asked about the training provided to <br />contract employees. City Manager Ruiz said he would get back to the council on that issue. Councilor Poling <br />suggested that if the work was substandard, that was not what the City was looking for. He asked what <br />impacts on other service areas or employees were involved in the reduction. City Manager Ruiz indicated that <br />the City's goal was to minimize the impact of such reductions on services and avoid layoffs. He said that the <br />City succeeded in that goal. He did not know what other options had existed and did not want to speculate. <br />Councilor Poling asked about the new manager position at the library. City Manager Ruiz explained that the <br />City combined two positions into one position and retitled it. <br />Councilor Clark asked if City Manager Ruiz considered the contract a change in policy. City Manager Ruiz <br />indicated that the occasion was the first time it occurred in his knowledge. Responding to a question from <br />Councilor Clark about the actual savings realized by contracting maintenance services at the library, City <br />Manager Ruiz estimated the savings at $250,000 annually, and indicated that $1 00,000 had been saved in <br />fiscal year 2014. Councilor Clark asked how much the contracted employees were paid, and if City Manager <br />Ruiz would characterize it as a "non - living wage." City Manager Ruiz acknowledged the hourly rate was less <br />and indicated he would have to return with a comparison. <br />City Manager Ruiz expressed appreciation for the work of City employees and for AFSCME's <br />representatives, and suggested that parties shared different viewpoints. He wanted to work on the relationship <br />and thought the city had an opportunity to improve things and said "we will." His motivation for the change <br />was to ensure that all employees could remain employed with the organization. He believed that conflicting <br />values were at work and said the City needed to work through those. <br />Speaking to the concerns expressed by Mr. Sabin and Mr. Oberman, Councilor Clark asked if some houses <br />lacked on- street parking entirely. Planning and Development Director Susan Muir did not think so, and <br />indicated she would follow up. She said she also planned to meet with Mr. Savin and Mr. Oberman to see if <br />there was a "win -win" situation that could be found. <br />Mayor Piercy adjusted the agenda to accommodate the schedule of Councilor Ortiz. <br />5. ACTION: <br />Interim Appointment to the Budget Committee <br />Councilor Clark, seconded by Councilor Taylor, moved to appoint Aaron walker as an <br />interim appointment to the Budget Committee to Position 6, the unexpired term of Noah <br />Kamrat, which will expire on June 30, 2012. <br />MINUTES --City Council January 11, 2010 Page 3 <br />
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