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CC Minutes - 01/11/10 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 01/11/10 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />McNutt Room Eugene City Hall <br />777 Pearl Street Eugene, Oregon <br />January 11, 20 10 <br />5:30 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Mike Clark, Betty Taylor, Jennifer Solomon, George Poling, Andrea Ortiz, Chris Pryor, <br />George Brown, members. <br />ABSENT: Alan Zelenka. <br />A, COMMITTEE REPORTS AND ITEMS OF INTERST FROM MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL, <br />AND CITY MANAGER <br />Mayor Piercy thanked City staff for its effort at the recent State of the City event. She had also enjoyed <br />the recent State of the County and Springfield State of the City events. She called the council's attention <br />to its receipt of a letter from David Agnew of the Obama Administration expressing appreciation for the <br />City's work with the Administration. She also noted the potential sale of the downtown United States <br />Post Office and said she had spoken to Representative Peter deFazio's Office, who was sending a letter to <br />the US Postal Service encouraging it to rethink the decision. <br />Mayor Piercy noted an alteration in the route for the Martin Luther King, Jr., Day walk. She noted the <br />recent town hall meeting conducted by local State legislators and reminded people to vote in the upcoming <br />election. <br />Mr. Clark reported he attended the recent press conference held by the Eugene Police Department (EPD) <br />in regard to its data -led policing efforts related to property crimes. He complimented EPD staff and Police <br />Chief Pete Kerns for their attempts to be innovative. He had also attended the State of the City and State <br />of the County events and acknowledged the challenges that lay ahead. <br />Mr. Pryor had also attended the events mentioned by Mayor Piercy and commended the frequent mention <br />of partnerships and collaboration. He also commended the recent council goal setting session. Mr. Pryor <br />said the west Eugene EmX Extension Corridor Advisory Committee recently met at the Eugene Station <br />and display materials regarding the process were available at the site. He had also attended the EPD press <br />conference and encouraged the council to become familiar with the department's approach as he believed <br />property crimes affected people as much as any type of crime. <br />Ms. Taylor had also gone to the recent town hall held by local State legislators and commended the <br />legislators for being prepared and knowledgeable. She noted that Board of County Commissioners Chair <br />Peter Sorenson had recognized former Congressman Jim weaver for his achievements at the State of the <br />County event, and the board also gave awards to those who completed the County's government school. <br />She hoped the City emulated the County in that regard, and suggested the first topic of discussion could be <br />the charter limitations that applied to the council. <br />MINUTES —City Council January 11, 2010 Page T <br />Work Session <br />
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