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the Metro Plan to address their jurisdiction over the lands inside the urban growth boundary (UGB) but <br />outside the city limits, specifically, the unannexed areas of River Road /Santa Clara. <br />Referring to the Issue Statement, Mr. Handy asked what the statement "about 80% complete with <br />conceptual/draft language" meant. He asked which work plan tasks were complete, which were in <br />progress, and which were yet to be done. <br />Mr. Handy recalled that a member of the public had suggested in 2008, that earlier proposed edits were <br />insufficient and that additional conforming language amendments will be necessary to comprehensively <br />address the changes brought about by having separate UGBs. He appreciated that LCDC had stood firm <br />on that point and believed that staff had not yet provided the elected officials with proposed language that <br />reflects the policy complexities embodied in the change from one UGB to two UGBs. He asked when the <br />elected officials could expect the draft Metro Plan language that sufficiently addresses the policy <br />changes /implications resulting from implementation of House Bill 3337. He suggested that if staff <br />expected plan adoption before the end of 2010, the elected officials needed access to the full set of draft <br />materials with sufficient time for recommended changes to be incorporated and vetted publicly. <br />Mr. Handy expressed surprise at the staff statement it was "caught off guard" regarding the necessity to <br />consider policy language and policy implications resulting from the legislature's decision to abolish the <br />Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission. <br />Mr. Handy said that if staff intended to present an overall plan to address the issues discussed at the <br />September 30 JEO meeting, it would also need to consider that the elected officials will need adequate <br />time to review, discuss, and recommend changes to that plan. <br />Referring to the urban transition agreement, Mr. Handy said the Board of County Commissioners did not <br />support a new administrative process to address citizen concerns. The board wanted such concerns to be <br />made by the commissioners. He said the board also wanted to explore changes in the Metro Plan that <br />recognize the unannexed areas in River Road/ Santa Clara as being within the jurisdiction of the County, <br />and which consider this area as a subarea within the Metro Plan. <br />Responding to a question from Mr. Ralston about whether Mr. Handy's remarks now and earlier <br />represented the board's position, Mr. Fleenor said that a board ma j ority shared the concerns Mr. Handy <br />had expressed. He advocated for a process that allowed County residents living inside the UGB to have <br />representation. while responsibility for services lay with Eugene, those residents cannot vote for a city <br />councilor so they must go to the board, but the board lacked authority over services provided by the <br />municipalities. He said it was a situation that the board would like to see resolved in a fair and transparent <br />manner. <br />Mr. Clark observed that the issue raised by Mr. Handy was often discussed at the Santa Clara Community <br />Organization and he believed it was an issue that needed to be addressed. He understood that the board <br />had recently discussed taking back some of the services provided through the 190 agreements with the <br />cities and asked if it had come to agreement on how to proceed. Mr. Fleenor indicated the board had <br />scheduled a meeting to discuss the issue. He said that if the board served notice, a city could turn services <br />over to the County immediately, so the County needed to be prepared for such an eventuality. He assured <br />the elected officials that the board would explore all the different legal aspects of the matter as well as talk <br />to them to see what could be done to improve the process. He said the board wanted to be cooperative as <br />well as sensitive to the needs of residents living inside the UGBs. <br />Mayor Piercy wanted to ensure that any conversation that occurred not only addressed representation but <br />MINUTES Joint Elected Officials Lane County & Eugene June 17, 2010 Page 5 <br />