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CC Minutes - 06/23/10 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 06/23/10 Work Session
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3/23/2012 11:46:24 AM
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8/17/2010 12:10:06 PM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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governed by State law. He said that Oregon was quite restrictive in what was disclosed. Mr. Brown <br />believed that the council should clarify the other two issues and suggested that the CRB be asked to come <br />up with some recommendations. <br />Mr. Zelenka distinguished the issues of definitions and clarifications from that of structural authority <br />changes. He believed that issues related to authority and structural changes needed to be reviewed by a <br />new PAORC. He also believed that the lack of a definition of "good cause" was not an issue of structural <br />authority but rather something that the auditor and CRB could work through and bring back to the council. <br />He suggested that the CRB continue to identify such issues and recommend remedies. <br />Mr. Zelenka expressed appreciation for the CRB's evaluation of the Police Auditor. He agreed with the <br />remarks of Mayor Piercy regarding that assessment and commended the work of Mr. Gissiner. <br />Mr. Gissiner agreed with Mr. McIntyre about some of the clarity issues raised by the CRB and the <br />agreements that had been written before he arrived; some of them created ambiguities, depending on one's <br />interpretation. <br />Mr. Gissiner commended the preparation and hard work of the CRB. <br />Speaking to Mr. Zelenka's earlier remark that a municipal ordinance trumped a collective bargaining <br />agreement, Mr. Klein indicated that the CRB's protocols were part of the City's collective bargaining <br />agreement with the police union, and when that agreement was renegotiated, the City and union could <br />revisit them. The collective bargaining agreement did not override the local ordinance, but if a local <br />ordinance inconsistent with the agreement was passed after the contract was signed by the manager, that <br />ordinance was not consistent with State law and was unenforceable. If management and the union could <br />not reach agreement, the issue went to arbitration, and the arbitrator was not bound by local ordinances. <br />Mr. Clark adjourned the work session at 1:30 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Sandra Stubbs <br />Deputy City Recorder <br />(Recorded by Kimberly Young) <br />MINUTES —City Council April I4, 20 I D Page 8 <br />
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