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<br /> <br /> <br />planning for a new city hall. This marked the completion of Phase 2, the Development Plan <br />Phase, of the City Hall Complex Master Plan. Both of these council actions reflected the major- <br />ity opinion from the Community Forum. <br /> <br />At the February 14, 2007 work session, the council requested the Design Team to perform <br />statistical public opinion research to inform future work. The research was intended to <br />understand what elements of a new city hall mattered most to voters and test the initial level of <br />voter support. <br /> <br />At the June 20, 2007 workshop, the Project Team introduced public opinion research, <br />consolidation options, and a conceptual scope of work for the remainder of the Implementation <br />Plan Phase. At that time the council requested additional information on the costs of the police <br />patrol facility, escalated relocation and leasing costs, comparison costs for leasing and <br />purchasing space in the Federal Building, potential City Hall sites other than the existing City <br />Hall and the Rock N’ Rodeo/Butterfly sites, deed restrictions related to the Butterfly Lot site, and <br />costs for the remaining Implementation Plan Phase scope of work. <br /> <br />At the July 20, 2007 work session, the council decided to continue master planning efforts for a <br />new City Hall. <br /> <br />At the September 26, 2007 workshop, the project team introduced the Police Patrol Facility site <br />selection analysis, City Hall design progress showing concept options with and without patrol <br />functions, and cost models for police patrol facilities on generic sites downtown, out of down- <br />town, and at a new City Hall. Council requested additional information on site ownership, <br />availability, and owners’ willingness to sell. <br /> <br />At the October 17, 2007 work session the council voted to proceed with development of a Police <br />Patrol Facility concept design for site E, a portion of Land Transit District’s RideSource site, lo- <br />nd <br />cated near the intersection of Garfield Street and West 2 Avenue. The council also voted to <br />continue to explore acquisition of sites E and F. The council will receive an update on the status <br />of acquisition efforts at the December 12 workshop. <br /> <br />At the November 28, 2007 work session, council voted to proceed with planning for a City <br />Hall/Police Patrol Facility based tentatively on a 2010 ballot measure. <br /> <br />At the December 12, 2007 workshop the council reviewed multiple options on City Hall concept <br />designs and provided feedback that shaped the development of a single concept design. The <br />council also reviewed Police Patrol Facility plans and costs and requested more refined cost <br />analysis. <br /> <br />