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Goal 4 - Forest Land: To conserve forest lands. <br /> There are no parcels within the airport boundary or surrounding area currently designated as <br /> Forest Land. Also, as found during the prior 1999 Airport Master Plan process, even if forest <br /> resources were feasible in the subject area, such uses could be considered incompatible with <br /> airport operations given height restrictions and air safety standards. <br /> Adoption of the current master plan update does not include any changes to existing Forest Land <br /> use designations, and OAR 660 - 012 - 0065(1) and (3)(n) allow airport improvements contemplated <br /> in the master plan update without the need for an exception to Goal 4. <br /> As such, adoption of the current master plan update is consistent with Goal 4 and will not <br /> otherwise affect Metro Plan compliance with this Goal. <br /> Goal 5 - Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Resources: To conserve open space <br /> and protect natural and scenic resources. <br /> Adoption of the current Eugene Airport Master Plan update does not include any plan <br /> amendments that would affect Goal 5 resources. The following administrative rule (OAR 660 -023- <br /> 0250) is applicable to post - acknowledgement plan amendments concerning Goal 5: <br /> (3) Local governments are not required to apply Goal 5 in consideration of a PAPA <br /> unless the PAPA affects a Goal 5 resource. For purposes of this section, a PAPA <br /> would affect a Goal 5 resource only if: <br /> (a) The PAPA creates or amends a resource list or a portion of an acknowledged <br /> plan or land use regulation adopted in order to protect a significant Goal 5 <br /> resource or to address specific requirements of Goal 5; <br /> (b) The PAPA allows new uses that could be conflicting uses with a particular <br /> significant Goal 5 resource site on an acknowledged resource list; or <br /> (c) The PAPA amends an acknowledged UGB and factual information is <br /> submitted demonstrating that a resource site, or the impact areas of such a <br /> site, is included in the amended UGB area. <br /> Adoption of the Eugene Airport Master Plan update as a refinement to the Metro Plan will not <br /> create or amend a list of Goal 5 resources, a plan or a land use regulation adopted in order to <br /> protect a significant Goal 5 resource or to address specific requirements of Goal 5. Adoption of <br /> the master plan update will not allow any new conflicting uses or amend the acknowledged Urban <br /> Growth Boundary. Therefore, adoption does not trigger the need to consider Goal 5 pursuant to <br /> OAR 660 - 023 - 0250(3). <br /> The only Lane County Goal 5 waterway identified in the vicinity traverses the boundary of the site <br /> near its southwest corner and is not impacted by any of the recommendations in the master plan <br /> update. To the extent that construction of future airport improvements contemplated in the <br /> master plan update may impact other jurisdictional wetlands in the area, as discussed in Chapter <br /> 3, Alternative Plan Concepts, avoidance and minimization alternatives have been considered. <br /> Some of the wetland areas considered in alternative development scenarios for the airport have <br />