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Item C: Ridgeline Acquisition Proposal from Arlie and Company
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2010
CC Agenda - 11/08/10 Work Session
Item C: Ridgeline Acquisition Proposal from Arlie and Company
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11/5/2010 1:32:05 PM
Creation date
11/4/2010 4:12:27 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />ANALYSIS <br /> <br />General <br />The Park, Recreation and Open Space Project and Priority Plan (hereafter “Project and Priority Plan”) is <br />the City’s adopted policy document that guides future park and open space acquisition and development. <br />The Project and Priority Plan was developed through an extensive public process over four years, and <br />covers a planning horizon of twenty years, from 2006 through 2025. Each project is assigned a priority <br />level of 1 through 5, with Priority 1 projects being highest priority, and generally being completed first. <br /> <br />The creation of a community or metropolitan park east of Mt. Baldy is not among the park projects <br />contained in the Project and Priority Plan. The acquisition of additional natural area acreage in the <br />corridor east of Mt. Baldy could be considered consistent with a Priority 3 project in the Project and <br />Priority Plan that says: “acquire natural areas to connect Ridgeline system east to Pisgah and Willamette <br />River system.” On the other hand, that project could be considered to have been completed with the <br />2008 acquisition of 200 acres from Arlie and Company. Since the Project and Priority Plan does not <br />address the creation of a new community or metropolitan park in this area, the decision and policy <br />direction to implement this project must come directly from the council. <br /> <br />Potential Funding Sources <br />The letter of intent referred to above sets out a proposed sale price of $1,944,000 for the 315 acres <br />described therein. To fund a purchase of this size, capital funding sources, such as general obligation <br />bond funds, Park Systems Development Charge (SDC) funds, stream corridor acquisition funds, where <br />appropriate, or general capital funds, are the most likely sources of funding for acquisition of park lands. <br /> <br />Arlie and Company has made it a requirement to close the acquisition by the end of December 2010, <br />which precludes seeking funding from potential sources not currently in-hand (e.g., state or federal grant <br />programs). <br /> <br />FY11 projected revenue for Parks SDC and Parks General Capital Funds combined is $562,000. <br />Clearly, these funds will be insufficient to fund this purchase, and spending the funds on this proposal <br />would delay other high priority, planned projects. <br /> <br />The remaining option is to re-allocate funds from the 2006 Parks, Recreation and Open Space bond <br />measure. Approximately $10.2 million of the remaining 2006 Bond Measure funding is uncommitted. <br />The specific projects listed on the ballot included “purchasing land for neighborhood and community <br />parks in the Bethel, River Road/Santa Clara, South Eugene, Willakenzie and Willow Creek areas.” <br />These five areas are park planning sub-areas associated with the adopted Project and Priority Plan, and <br />the site of the Arlie acquisition proposal is mostly within the South Eugene sub-area. <br /> <br />The informational brochure disseminated to households throughout Eugene by the City about the bond <br />measure provided additional information about the bond measure, including five focus areas (see table <br />below) and what would be accomplished within each category. For the acquisition of neighborhood and <br />community parks, the brochure listed: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />“13 new neighborhood park sites across Eugene. Parks site acquisitions would be <br />targeted for the following neighborhoods: Bethel, River Road/Santa Clara, South <br />Eugene, Willakenzie and Willow Creek. <br /> <br /> <br />A new community park in Santa Clara. Existing funds would be supplemented to acquire <br />a 35-40 acre site to provide active and passive recreation opportunities. <br />Z:\CMO\2010 Council Agendas\M101108\S101108C.doc <br /> <br />
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