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Item 3: Approval of Funding for Affordable Housing Energy Improvement Projects
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2010
CC Agenda - 11/08/10 Meeting
Item 3: Approval of Funding for Affordable Housing Energy Improvement Projects
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11/19/2010 10:56:24 AM
Creation date
11/5/2010 1:08:34 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />improvement and impact for energy and cost savings; 3) financial feasibility and timeline; and 4) <br />organizational experience and performance. As part of the RFP process, EWEB and HASCA staff <br />conducted an energy audit for each development to help applicants identify cost-effective energy <br />improvements. Each audit included an on-site visit and analysis of previous energy usage. <br />A total of three proposals were received through the RFP. The review committee determined that each <br />proposal met the selection criteria and recommends funding for each project. A description of each project <br />is provided below. <br /> <br />Oakwood Manor - St. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County Inc. (SVdP): <br /> SVdP requests funding to <br />install a ductless heat system at Oakwood Manor. This affordable housing development contains 72 rental <br />units and is located at 1665 Oak Patch Road. Over 75 percent of tenant households have incomes at or <br />below 60 percent of the Area Median Income. The installation of this system will reduce annual energy <br />use by an estimated 120,600 kilowatt hours, lower utility bills, and improve living conditions for low- <br />income tenants. The new system will also provide additional security as window air conditioners will no <br />longer be needed. The total project cost is $273,000. The City’s recommended EECBG contribution is <br />$73,750. HACSA will contribute $55,250 in weatherization funds and EWEB will contribute an estimated <br />$144,000 in energy rebates. <br /> <br />Ross Lane - St. Vincent de Paul: <br /> SVdP requests funding to install a solar water pre-heating system at <br />Ross Lane Apartments. This affordable housing development contains 36 rental units and is located at <br />2640-2652 Ross Lane. Over 90 percent of tenant households have incomes at or below 60 percent of Area <br />Median Income. The installation of this system will reduce annual energy use by an estimated 53,068 <br />kilowatt hours, lower utility bills, and improve living conditions for low-income tenants. The total project <br />cost is $151,155. The City’s recommended EECBG contribution is $71,577. HACSA will contribute <br />$56,905 in weatherization funds, EWEB will contribute an estimated $13,250 in energy rebates, and SVdP <br />will contribute $9,423. <br /> <br />th <br />th <br />29 Place - ShelterCare: <br /> ShelterCare requests funding to install energy efficient windows at 29 Place. <br />This affordable housing development contains 35 rental units for persons with mental illness and is located <br />at 2984-2988 Oak Street and 2985 Willamette Street. All of the tenants have incomes at or below 60 <br />percent of Area Median Income. The installation of energy efficient windows will reduce annual energy <br />use by an estimated 21,350 kilowatt hours, lower utility bills, and improve air quality and circulation for <br />low-income tenants. The total project cost is $45,223. The City recommended EECBG contribution is <br />$14,673. HACSA will contribute $14,672 and EWEB will contribute an estimated $15,878 in energy <br />rebates. <br /> <br />In summation, the proposed use of $160,000 in EECBG funds will leverage a total of $454,287 in energy <br />investments to fund energy improvements for 143 affordable housing and reduce annual energy use by <br />195,108 kilowatt hours. <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />The City Council has established goals to address affordable housing, homelessness, and community <br />development needs through the Eugene-Springfield 2010 Consolidated Plan. The proposed uses of <br />EECBG funds directly supports the Consolidated Plan by enabling rehabilitation and preservation of <br />existing affordable housing opportunities for very and extremely low-income families and individuals. <br /> <br /> Z:\CMO\2010 Council Agendas\M101108\S1011083.doc <br />
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