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Item B: Adoption of Federal Priority Project Lists
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2010
CC Agenda - 12/13/10 Work Session
Item B: Adoption of Federal Priority Project Lists
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12/10/2010 1:30:45 PM
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12/10/2010 9:36:19 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br /> <br />on advocating strongly for widely accepted local priorities, which is a role they have repeatedly <br />stated they prefer. Furthermore, the extensive research and development that goes into <br />producing the Federal Agenda eases the burden on congressional staff in terms of preparing <br />project justifications and advocating for funding. The delegation’s staff often comes to depend <br />on the reliability and accessibility of the UF’s Federal Agenda, and the local staff who produce <br />it. Consequently, the process helps build solid, ongoing relationships that extend far beyond the <br />merits of any one set of Federal Agenda projects. <br /> <br />The City Council must adopt the Federal Priorities Project List each year. The recommended <br />Federal Priorities Project List begins with a review of opportunities for funding in the next <br />Federal budget and goals that are specific to Eugene or the area. <br /> <br />Throughout the year, staff has looked into federal funding opportunities and unmet funding <br />needs to develop a list of potential projects for inclusion on the 2011 Federal Priorities Project <br />List. On November 5, 2010, the IGR Committee met with staff and our federal lobby firm <br />Smith, Dawson and Andrews (SDA), to discuss the federal funding horizon and opportunities. <br /> <br />In light of the renewed focus on spending, Republicans, who are now in leadership of the U.S. <br />House of Representatives, extended the self-imposed ban on earmarks into the next Congress. <br />They are also focusing on reining in federal spending. Because earmarks have been nearly <br />eliminated, we will double our efforts in pursuing increased discretionary funding at the agency <br />level. Accordingly, we have developed a Discretionary Fund Project List for projects that we <br />believe do not have the possibility of being earmarked at the present time under the current <br />Congress. This list will be used to look for federal non-appropriation funding opportunities as <br />they arise. <br /> <br />Even with the news on earmarks, we have developed a list of possible federal appropriation <br />requests and intend on moving forward with some limited earmark requests. The proposed 2011 <br />Federal Priority Projects were presented to the IGR Committee on November 17, 2010. The IGR <br />Committee unanimously approved the recommended 2011 Federal Priorities Project List <br />(Attachment A) and directed the list move forward to the full City Council for action, with one <br />exception. The Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission Electrical Generator <br />Upgrade project, which was on the list last year, is not moving forward as a project at this time. <br />Springfield, the financial partner, wants to look at the project again to find a way to supplement <br />the current gas production at the site so we can put a better project together. The final list will <br />become part of the UF federal agenda which will be presented to the area’s congressional <br />delegation, executive department staff, and other potential funding sources in Washington, D.C. <br />in March 2011. <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />Adoption of the federal priority recommendations is the making or affirming of the City of <br />Eugene’s policy with respect to federal legislative issues or such other matters as may come to <br />the council from the IGR committee. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Z:\CMO\2010 Council Agendas\M101213\S101213B.doc <br /> <br />
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