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Item 4: 4J and Bethel Budget Shortfall
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2011
CC Agenda - 01/24/11 Meeting
Item 4: 4J and Bethel Budget Shortfall
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2/11/2011 11:24:17 AM
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1/21/2011 1:43:27 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />There are no City policies related to City support for school funding. There is a council goal of <br />Fair, Stable and Adequate Financial Resources: A government whose ongoing financial <br />resources are based on a fair and equitable system of revenues and are adequate to maintain and <br />deliver municipal services. <br /> <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br />There are several options that the council could pursue with respect to school funding. The <br />options below have blanks for the council to fill in regarding the type of tax to pursue, the <br />amount of funding desired, what the funds should be used for, and which election to target for <br />the measure. <br /> <br /> <br />1.Direct the City Manager to return with a ballot measure for the May 2011 election to <br />implement a City personal income tax to generate approximately $__ million to assist the <br />schools by [insert what school funding is to be used for] [and fund ____ City programs]. <br /> <br /> <br />2.Direct the City Manager to return with a ballot measure for the May 2011 election to <br />implement a City surcharge on the state personal income tax to generate approximately <br />$__ million to assist the schools by [insert what school funding is to be used for] [and <br />fund ____ City programs]. <br /> <br /> <br />3.Direct the City Manager to work on a plan for the November 2011 ballot to implement a <br />City [personal income tax or City surcharge on the state personal income tax] to generate <br />approximately $__ million to assist schools by [insert what school funding is to be used <br />for] [and fund _____ City programs]. <br /> <br /> <br />4.Determine to not move forward with a new revenue measure at this time. <br /> <br /> <br />CITY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION <br /> <br />The question before the council – whether to refer a tax measure to the ballot to support schools – <br />is a complicated question involving a number of political and fiscal considerations. Schools need <br />additional revenue. As discussed, the City also will need additional revenue in the future to <br />develop and maintain a long-term sustainable budget, including the maintenance of existing <br />services as well as considering new or expanded services. The council should weigh the school <br />districts’ needs against the potential impact of a City tax measure (to support schools) on a <br />possible future revenue measure for City services. Since this assessment primarily is a political <br />conclusion about how voters will react, the City Manager’s recommendation to the council is <br />limited to encouraging it to consider these other impacts when deciding whether to refer a measure <br />to support schools. <br /> <br /> <br />SUGGESTED MOTION <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />\\Cesrv500\cc support\CMO\2011 Council Agendas\M110124\S1101244.doc <br />
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