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Item A: Envision Eugene Update - Environmental Stewardship
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2011
CC Agenda - 01/26/11 Work Session
Item A: Envision Eugene Update - Environmental Stewardship
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Last modified
1/21/2011 1:56:12 PM
Creation date
1/21/2011 1:47:46 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />Home energy use: <br />In addition to influencing transportation and land use, Envision Eugene can influence the size and <br />configurations of dwellings. Research indicates that, in addition to typically being more affordable, <br />small homesmultifamily homes <br /> and have smaller greenhouse gas footprints and fewer environmental <br />impacts overall. According to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, “Reducing home size <br />is a significant leverage point for environmental impact reduction and may be a more effective measure <br />than achieving minimum levels of ‘green’ certification.” <br /> <br />Critical Habitats, including Farm and Forest Lands: <br />As the city considers future growth strategies for undeveloped and underdeveloped lands (both inside <br />and outside Eugene’s UGB), there are a variety of environmental factors which need to be considered, <br />including: <br /> <br /> <br />Potential loss of productive farm and forest land, particularly for any areas considered for <br />expansion of Eugene’s UGB <br /> <br /> <br />Impacts to sensitive habitats such as wetlands, riparian areas, oak savannahs and other areas <br />supporting rare and sensitive plant and animal species <br /> <br /> <br />Potential impacts associated with development in flood plains <br /> <br /> <br />Accommodating additional stormwater runoff as a result of increased impervious surfaces and <br />soil compaction <br /> <br /> <br />Increased spread of invasive species <br /> <br /> <br />Increased noise and light pollution <br /> <br />While state law provides a certain level of guidance on many of these factors, Eugene maintains a <br />substantial amount of discretion to establish local strategies that balance these environmental factors <br />with other important community values. <br /> <br />Public Parks, Open Space and Natural Areas: <br />Eugene’s Parks and Open Spaces are central to the livability of the community. They provide <br />recreational opportunities, wildlife habitat, space for public gatherings, and open space. An increasing <br />population will put more pressure on these resources, creating a need to increase the current system’s <br />carrying capacity. This capacity can be increased through improvements to existing parks and by <br />designating new parks and natural areas, especially in locations of higher population density. <br /> <br />Water Quality: <br />Increased density and expansion into currently undeveloped land will impact the quantity and quality of <br />stormwater flowing into Amazon Creek, Spring Creek, and the Willamette River. Without mitigation, <br />impacts can affect aquatic habitats, including federally endangered species such as Chinook salmon, as <br />well as the quality of drinking water and recreational opportunities these waterways afford. <br /> <br />Envision Eugene represents a unique opportunity to make decisions that will have a number of long <br />lasting environmental impacts and can help the community avoid potentially serious impacts to public <br />health, livability and the environment. <br /> <br /> \\Cesrv500\cc support\CMO\2011 Council Agendas\M110126\S110126A.doc <br /> <br />
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