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RESOLUTION NO. 5018 <br />A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXCEPTIONS TO THE LIMITED <br />NEIGHBORHOOD RECOGNITION POLICY FOR ORGANIZATIONS IN <br />THE RIVER ROAD AND SANTA C'LARA AREAS ESTABLISHED BY <br />RESOLUTION NO. 47050 <br />The City Council of the City of Eugene finds that: <br />A. On February 25, 2002, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 4705, <br />establishing a Limited Neighborhood Organization Recognition Policy for Organizations in the <br />River Road and Santa Clara Areas (the "Policy "). The River Road Community Organization <br />("RRCO") and the Santa Clara Community Organization ("SCCO") fulfill the role of <br />neighborhood associations for these areas. City Council has granted limited recognition to these <br />groups in acknowledgement that a significant portion of neighbors within the boundaries of these <br />community organizations are City residents. <br />B. The City of Eugene's Neighborhood Services department has created a Strategic <br />Neighborhood Assessment and Planning ( "SNAP ") process which offers staff assistance to <br />neighborhood associations and other neighborhood -based groups for purposes of assessing needs <br />and developing a plan that outlines goals, strategies and actions to address those needs. City - <br />recognized neighborhood associations are all eligible to participate in a SNAP process. <br />C. The City's Neighborhood Services' staff is interested in supporting RRCO and <br />S C C 0 in a joint SNAP process, however, Section 1, paragraph (4) of the Policy requires that the <br />City not provide staff support for neighborhood organizing or outreach efforts to organizations <br />with limited recognition. <br />D. The SNAP process could be a valuable resource in helping the neighborhoods <br />conduct outreach and education essential to implementing key recommendations of the River <br />Road and Santa Clara Transition Project Final Report, 2006. Therefore, the Council finds that it <br />would be in the public interest to authorize an exception to Section 1, paragraph (4) of the Policy <br />in order to permit City staff to make the SNAP process available to RRCO and SCCO. <br />E. In addition to the issues addressed in the above findings, on June 13, 2005, <br />Resolution No. 4539 was adopted granting an exception to the public funding limitations of <br />Section 1, paragraphs (3) and (4) of the Policy, thereby permitting public information to be <br />provided to non -City addresses within the River Road /Santa Clara area during the fiscal year <br />2005106, contingent upon, and limited to, the funds being allocated from the River Road /Santa <br />Clara Sewer Assessment Bond Fund under the City's adopted budget for the 2005106 fiscal year. <br />The City Council finds that the exception to the public information funding limitations granted <br />by Resolution No. 4539 should be reestablished until such time as that funding source is <br />exhausted. <br />Resolution - Page 1 of 2 <br />