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Mayor Piercy also appreciated that the Manager provided the council with more open access to staff. She <br />liked that staff seemed to enjoy the challenges that faced it and perceived those challenges as problems to <br />be solved. She suggested that residents experiencing economic difficulties were given confidence when <br />they believed the City was working to make life better for them and improve their opportunities, and that <br />made her feel the organization was doing the right thing. <br />Mr. Clark, seconded by Ms. Taylor, moved to complete goal - setting for the next year with <br />the City Manager by October 1, 2010, and to approve the suggested compensation <br />adjustment package and process beginning in fiscal year 2012 <br />There was brief discussion of how the motion was most appropriately worded is it regarded the staff and <br />council follow -up to occur. Mr. Clark amended his motion as follows: <br />Mr. Clark, seconded by Ms. Taylor, moved to complete goal - setting for the next year with <br />the City Manager by October 1, 2010, to approve the suggested compensation adjustment <br />package and process beginning in fiscal year 2012, and to bring back to the council for a <br />future work session an agreement based on the e -mail put forward by the Manager. <br />Mr. Zelenka did not believe the compensation incentives for the Manager to stay on the job were high <br />enough, and thought that subject deserved further council conversation. <br />The motion passed unanimously, 8:0. <br />Mayor Piercy adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Beth Forrest <br />City Recorder <br />(Recorded by Kimberly Young) <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council July 26, 2010 Page 7 <br />Work Session <br />