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CC Minutes - 11/15/10 Public Hearing
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 11/15/10 Public Hearing
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City Council Minutes
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proposing a third option, which was an allocation based half on area and half on frontage. The three <br />options were outlined in the agenda item summary provided to the council. <br />Mr. Schoening noted another issue that was raised in discussion, that of already improved dead end streets <br />and cul -de -sacs and whether they should be assessed at the same rate as the properties abutting the street <br />to be improved, or at a lesser rate. Staff recommended those properties be assessed at half the rate <br />charged to properties abutting the street. <br />Mayor Piercy opened the public hearing. <br />Marguerite Zolman, 1174 Sheraton Drive, representing the Harlow Neighborhood Association, spoke in <br />support of the amendments. She went on to speak of the poor condition of Arcadia Drive, which lacked <br />sidewalks, gutters, and storm drains. She believed the road was incorrectly classified at present and <br />suggested it should be classified as a collector street given that all properties on Arcadia Drive and east of <br />Arcadia Drive had to use the street to exit and enter the neighborhood. Ms. Zolman said the Public Works <br />Department had stated that the neighborhood was served by the Van Dyn -Bogart Collector, which did not <br />serve Arcadia Drive. She questioned if neighborhoods were allowed only one collector street. Ms. <br />Zolman said the amendments would ensure that those who benefited from Arcadia Drive would share in <br />the cost of improving it. She asked the council to adopt the ordinance and fix Arcadia Drive before there <br />was a fatality. <br />Mayor Piercy closed the public hearing and solicited council questions and comments. <br />Councilor Poling noted his long -term involvement in the Arcadia Drive issue and the frustration he <br />experienced trying to get street studied with the goal of reclassifying it. He acknowledged he had yet to <br />raise the issue with City Manager Ruiz and suggested it was time to start the discussion again. <br />Councilor Poling asked if it was true neighborhoods were allowed only one collector. Mr. Schoening said <br />no. The City had not pursued the reclassification of Arcadia Drive from a local street to a neighborhood <br />collector because it had not seemed worth the time and expense to change the classification when the <br />actual problem was that the street was unimproved and should be improved to urban standards. The street <br />classification did not prevent that from happening. <br />Councilor Poling believed the extension of Arcadia Drive had increased traffic using the road. He asked <br />if it was possible to study the street in isolation. City Manager Ruiz promised to return with more <br />information. <br />Councilor Ortiz determined from Mr. Schoening that residential property owners were assessed the <br />equivalent cost of a local residential street if they lived on a collector street. The City's share of the cost <br />was paid by transportation systems development charges. The City had no similar funding source for <br />local streets. <br />Councilor Zelenka joined the meeting via speakerphone. <br />Councilor Taylor asked if residents living on Arcadia Drive would be assessed less if the street was <br />reclassified as a neighborhood collector. Mr. Schoening said no. <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council November 15, 2010 Page 2 <br />Public Hearing <br />
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