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CC Minutes - 10/11/10 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 10/11/10 Work Session
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2/28/2011 2:55:48 PM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Poling reported that on September 29 he had met with the consultants working for 4J School District <br />on the replacement of Superintendent George Russell. Later that same day he met with residents of Sandy <br />Drive regarding the potential of future improvements to Sandy Drive. Eric Jones of the Public Works <br />Department had been present at the meeting to answer questions. He thought it was likely that residents <br />would approach the Budget Committee about the possibility of funding the project. <br />Mr. Poling noted that he had also attended the Emerald Awards put on by Eugene Area Chamber of <br />Commerce and congratulated all the winners. <br />Mr. Poling reported that he met with new Eugene Water & Electric Board's General Manger Roger Grey, <br />who had some interesting proposals. <br />Mr. Poling concluded by reporting that the Harlow Neighbors were sponsoring a forum for the candidates <br />running for positions on the Board of County Commissioners on October 13, 2010, at the Garden Way <br />Church. <br />Ms. Solomon expressed appreciation for the council's monthly receipt of the commendations received by <br />members of the Eugene Police Department. She thanked residents who took the time to write the City <br />about their positive experiences with the department. <br />Ms. Ortiz hoped the community understood that the Beltline project was a council priority and the project <br />was intended to improve safety conditions in the corridor and address concerns about emergency vehicles <br />reaching PeaceHealth at River Bend. She invited residents to contact her or Mr. Clark with questions <br />about the project. <br />Ms. Ortiz reported she had attended the Neighborhood Summit and said it was an interesting event with a <br />good turnout. <br />Ms. Ortiz said Eugene Police Department Officer Randy Ellis was honored at a recent event at City Hall <br />for his 40 years of service to the City. She hoped that the council had the opportunity to honor Officer <br />Ellis as well. <br />Ms. Ortiz noted the upcoming Prevention Convention at Sheldon High School on October 16. <br />Mr. Zelenka thanked Officer Ellis for his service. <br />Mr. Zelenka agreed that the Neighborhood Summit had a great turnout. Good information was traded <br />among leaders. He believed the summit accomplished its purpose in that regard and he thought the City <br />needed to think more about how to encourage such cross - fertilization. <br />Mr. Zelenka reported he met with PeaceHealth representatives about that organization's plans to <br />rehabilitate its University District property. He looked forward to the construction jobs that resulted from <br />the project and anticipated a nicer facility. <br />Mr. Zelenka said he had done a Town Hall event with the mayor to discuss the riot that happened in the <br />West University Neighborhood. He wanted the City to consider the potential of more party patrols wanted <br />to look into, to consider expanding the authority of the University of Oregon Department of Public Safety <br />to address minor offenses outside its boundaries such as MIP, and to embark on a partnership between the <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council October 11, 2010 Page 2 <br />Work Session <br />
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