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CC Minutes - 10/13/10 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 10/13/10 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mayor Piercy complimented staff on its commitment to the Envision Eugene process. She appreciated <br />staff's outreach to the Board of County Commissioners, and asked that staff's outreach effort included the <br />Housing Policy Board and Human Rights Commission. <br />Mr. Pryor was impressed with the breadth and diversity of those on the CRG. He acknowledged the <br />subject of community growth was scary to some people. He appreciated the inclusive, accessible, non- <br />technical approach taken by staff, which brought in many people who had not participated in the past. <br />That informed his belief that it was better to do the process right than do it fast. Mr. Pryor believed that a <br />holistic discussion was necessary and was the only way to reach a solution that connected all the different <br />pieces of the solution. <br />Mr. Clark thanked staff for its work. He continued to be concerned about the process time line and the <br />potential of legislative action related to that. He was happy to hear staff was checking in with the County <br />and hoped that included new commissioners. Given Springfield's experience trying to work with the <br />board, Mr. Clark was concerned that the Board of County Commissioners would delay the process. He <br />hoped staff did more to engage the County board so it understood that it did not get to re -write the rules or <br />the basis by which Eugene made its decisions. He called for further review of the rules governing the co- <br />adoption process. <br />Mr. Poling also thanked staff, the members of the CRG, and the residents who were participating. He <br />believed the plan constituted very important work. <br />Mr. Poling expressed concern that the depictions related to the work of the West Eugene Collaborative <br />(WEC) could be misinterpreted and recommended that staff reinforce the hypothetical nature of the <br />examples. <br />Mr. Poling also appreciated that staff was checking in with the Board of County Commissioners and asked <br />that staff report back to the council about the type of issues the board was raising and the staff response to <br />them. <br />Mr. Poling was not concerned that the State would intervene in the City's process but he did not want to <br />go beyond the council- imposed deadline to demonstrate to the community the council could act in a timely <br />way to reach a reasonable conclusion. <br />Mr. Zelenka acknowledged staff's hard work. He believed the City was on the right track. He agreed <br />with Mr. Pryor that it was more important to get the work done right rather than fast but he also shared <br />Mr. Poling's belief the council needed to stick to the timeline. <br />Mr. Zelenka expressed disappointment in the last CRB panel discussion, terming it one - dimensional, <br />traditional, "rear -view mirror thinking." The discussion had not been forward- thinking enough for him, <br />particularly as it regarded the "new green economy" and where the community wanted to position itself. <br />He did not think Eugene could plan for tomorrow with yesterday's knowledge. He said traditional <br />incentives often did not realize what they were intended and sometimes had a negative net impact. He <br />wanted to think more broadly. <br />Speaking to Mr. Poling's concerns about the visual depictions created for the WEC, Mayor Piercy noted <br />the time community members put into developing those depictions and said the WEC members <br />represented a sizeable commitment from a cross - section of the community that actually believed their <br />vision could be realized. She believed the depictions helped spur discussion and allowed residents to find <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council October 13, 2010 Page 2 <br />Work Session <br />
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