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CC Minutes - 07/14/10 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 07/14/10 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Ms. Ortiz said the CRB and the PA's office brought transparency to the complaint process which made it <br />clear to the public that there was a place to go with complaints and someone would listen to those <br />complaints. She was pleased Mr. Gissiner was concerned with the pursuit policy and that it had been <br />added to the CRB work plan. She emphasized that the issues identified were related to training. <br />Mr. Pryor observed Chief Kerns' and Mr. Gissiner's reports were related. The manner in which the <br />community was policed would constantly be debated, because there was a continuum of those who <br />believed in individual rights, protections and freedoms, and what we should be able to do as an individual <br />versus those who believed the community had needs and priorities, and the community needed to do what <br />was best for the community. That tension would always exist. Tension between the auditor and the chief <br />was a good thing because it produced the right outcomes and maintained the balance in the community. <br />The auditor's office was a key element in maintaining that balance because it was part of what insured <br />that one side or the other was not favored. He appreciated both the chief and the auditor for recognizing <br />that role. Mr. Pryor asked if the auditor's function was to be a tool for discipline and to affect change, or <br />if it was also a tool to prevent the problems from recurring. This would enable the auditor's office to <br />become a productive part of making EPD better in the future, which he believed had always been the <br />intention of the police auditor function. It was important to learn as much as possible about how the <br />auditor function worked. He was pleased with progress made, noting both the chief and the auditor had <br />found that dynamic. <br />Mr. Clark commended Mr. Gissiner on the thoroughness of the annual report and thought it would be <br />very useful. He was happy with Mr. Gissiner's first year, noting the auditor's office was working better <br />for the broader community through good communication and the ability to prevent problems. He had <br />learned through weekly meetings with Mr. Gissiner and Ms. Taylor that officers had become more <br />comfortable bringing Mr. Gissiner for advice. As a member of the Police Commission, he had <br />seen improvements through Mr. Gissiner's work with the CRB. This was reinforced by a 100 percent <br />sustained rate of complaints brought forward by other officers. Mr. Clark said he and Ms. Taylor had met <br />with Mr. Gissiner and Mr. Klein to discuss dividing the auditor's review into two pieces, one before the <br />break to discuss process and a second one to discuss how to apply that process. <br />Mayor Piercy expressed her appreciation for the tough job the officers had in the community. She knew <br />from both the City Council and Police Auditor position, a lot was asked of the officers. The council <br />wanted a good public safety system in which the officers and community were respected. <br />The meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />1 <br />City Recorder <br />(Recorded by Linda Henry) <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council July 14, 2010 Page 5 <br />Work Session <br />
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