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MINUTES <br />Eugene City Council <br />McNutt Room — Eugene City Hall <br />777 Pearl Street — Eugene, Oregon <br />May 24, 2010 <br />5:30 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Alan Zelenka, Mike Clark, Betty Taylor, Andrea Ortiz, Jennifer Solomon, George Poling, <br />Chris Pryor, George Brown, members. <br />Her Honor Mayor Kitty Piercy called the May 24, 2010, work session of the Eugene City Council to <br />order. <br />A. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM MAYOR, CITY <br />COUNCIL, AND CITY MANAGER <br />Mayor Piercy expressed appreciation to the Eugene Budget Committee for all its hard work during the <br />recent budget review. She reported that she had spoken on the topic of sustainability to two classes at the <br />University of Oregon (UO) and on the topic of conflict and peace to a class at Lane Community College <br />(LCC). She noted that the next Mayor's One -on -One event would be held the next day at the Market of <br />Choice on Franklin Boulevard at 5 p.m. Mayor Piercy reminded the public that LCC would hold a forum <br />on its proposed downtown campus on May 25 at the Eugene Public Library. She also noted the upcoming <br />open house sponsored by the UO Community Planning Workshop, "Get Plugged In," being held on May <br />26 at 6 p.m. at the Wheeler Pavilion and the open house at Churchill High School regarding Envision <br />Eugene, also scheduled that night. <br />Mr. Clark congratulated City Manager Jon Ruiz and his staff for the smooth budget process and said the <br />process was less contentious than previous ones, which he attributed to a well - presented, well- thought out <br />budget. <br />Mr. Clark noted his attendance at the May 13 Police Commission meeting and reported that he and Ms. <br />Taylor met with Police Auditor Mark Gissiner in their roles as council president and vice president to <br />discuss the Civilian Review Board's June report to the City Council. The auditor also discussed his <br />decision to dismiss the Deputy Auditor. Mr. Clark recalled that the council, by City Charter, could only <br />address directly the work of the City Manager, the Police Auditor, and the Municipal Court Judge. City <br />Attorney Glenn Klein confirmed that fact. He said the council adopted code language that stipulated the <br />auditor made all hiring and firing decisions related to the auditor's staff. <br />Ms. Ortiz noted that in addition to her service on the Eugene Budget Committee, she also served on the <br />Bethel School District Budget Committee and Lane Regional Air Protection Agency ( LRAPA) Budget <br />Committee. She said there were concerns that Cottage Grove would not budget funding for its LRAPA <br />dues, and indicated she had forwarded the council an e-mail on the topic. She reported she attended a <br />town hall at the Songbrook development, where several State legislators were present to hear community <br />concerns, and where the City Manager of Junction City spoke of the new State hospital project planned to <br />be located in Junction City and its anticipated impact on that community. <br />MINUTES — Eugene City Council May 24, 2010 Page 1 <br />Work Session <br />