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CC Minutes - 12/13/10 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 12/13/10 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Responding to a question from Mr. Clark about the Eugene Depot - Vehicular Loop project identified <br />among the 2011 federal appropriation requests, Ms. Wilson said the funding would pay for a process to <br />look at practical alternatives; no alternative had been decided upon. Mr. Clark supported the project as <br />long as it did not presuppose a solution. <br />Mr. Clark, seconded by Ms. Taylor, moved to adopt the 2011 Federal Priority Project list. <br />recommendations. The motion passed unanimously, 8:0. <br />C. ACTION: <br />Adoption of Resolution 5018 Authorizing Exception to the Limited Neighborhood Recogni- <br />tion Policy for the River Road and Santa Clara Community Organizations <br />City Manager Ruiz introduced the item, saying the resolution would allow neighborhood organizations to <br />continue to keep their members informed about issues of importance and allow the River Road and Santa <br />Clara organizations to compete in the Strategic Neighborhood Assessment Process (SNAP) with other <br />neighborhood organizations. Neighborhood Services Manager Michael Kinnison was also present to <br />answer questions. <br />Mr. Clark supported the resolution. He said residents of River Road and Santa Clara were working <br />closely together and hoped to develop a more detailed neighborhood refinement plan. He said residents of <br />the area wanted a resident -led discussion about transition issues and he thought the proposal was a way to <br />accomplish that. He emphasized the importance of communicating with residents in the area through <br />newsletters. <br />Ms. Solomon questioned how a new planning effort would differ from the 2006 effort, which resulted in a <br />report that to her knowledge had sat on a shelf because she was unaware of any follow -up. She said that <br />Mr. Clark's reference to transition issues presupposed that such a transition would happen, and she <br />questioned that. She did not think that residents were supportive of transitioning to City jurisdiction. She <br />believed the City's funds were better directed at neighborhood organizations within the city. <br />Ms. Ortiz supported the resolution because of the considerable history of resistance to the concept of <br />annexation that existed in River Road /Santa Clara and the need to build trust with residents. <br />Mr. Zelenka determined from Mr. Kinnison that the staff time commitment was likely to be 15 -20 hours a <br />week for four to six months. At Mr. Zelenka's request, Mr. Kinnison described the SNAP, terming it an <br />organizing tool for neighborhoods. Mr. Zelenka concurred with Ms. Ortiz's remarks and said he would <br />support the resolution. <br />Mayor Piercy also supported the resolution but wanted some sort of formal recognition from the two <br />neighborhood associations that the City was stepping forward as a collaborative partner. <br />Mr. Clark believed it was time to "start a new chapter" with River Road /Santa Clara. In response to Ms. <br />Solomon's remarks, Mr. Clark suggested the resolution provided a route for implementing the 2006 study. <br />Mr. Pryor believed more conversation was needed to build on the work done in 2006. He supported <br />taking as collaborative an approach as possible to what he considered as the next iteration of a longer <br />process to overcome past bad memories on the part of residents. <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council December 13, 2010 Page 4 <br />Work Session <br />
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