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Councilor Zelenka, seconded by Councilor Farr, moved to amend the proposed resolution <br />by adding a new subsection 3 to read as follows: <br />3. On January 18, 2011, the Eugene Water & Electric Board adopted Resolution 1105 <br />stating that EWEB will continue conducting regional water planning and pursuing <br />collaborative opportunities with other jurisdictions, including the City of Eugene. The <br />city manager shall work with EWEB as part of a collaborative regional water planning <br />effort, guided by Attachment B of the January 11, 2011, AIS, and shall seek an initial <br />scoping meeting in the first half of 2011. <br />Councilor Clark, seconded by Councilor Poling, moved to amend the amendment by <br />deleting "...guided by attachment B of the January 11, 2011, AIS." <br />Councilor Clark preferred that staff return with a scope of work. <br />Councilor Taylor supported Councilor Zelenka's amendment. <br />Councilor Brown recalled that he had initially not been supportive of the proposal but after considerable <br />study he supported the sale. All Eugene's neighboring communities would grow and like Eugene, they <br />had water needs. He recalled asking if EWEB should be the region's water supplier, and he had come to <br />believe it should be. He preferred to see regional public cooperation and responsibility sharing rather <br />than to see an assortment of private providers. He supported Councilor Zelenka's motion. <br />Councilor Zelenka reviewed some of the questions included in Attachment B and indicated to Councilor <br />Clark that he did not intend that it dictate the process. He was seeking both collaboration and focus. <br />Councilor Farr determined from City Attorney Glenn Klein that the amendment would not affect the sale <br />of water to Veneta. <br />Councilor Pryor said he was comforted by the word "guided." He thought the attachment was acceptable <br />as a guide as it would not dictate the actions of either Veneta or EWEB. <br />Mayor Piercy did not see a significant difference between the two approaches and indicated she would <br />support the original amendment if called upon to do so. She thought that the issue was very important <br />and timely. <br />Roll call vote: The amendment to the amendment failed, 5:3; councilors Clark, Poling, <br />and Farr voting yes. <br />Roll call vote: The amendment to the motion passed unanimously, 8:0 <br />Roll call vote: The motion as amended passed unanimously, 8:0 <br />4. WORK SESSION: 4J and Bethel Budget Shortfall <br />Finance Director Sue Cutsogeorge was present for the item. She reported on the work of the <br />subcommittee charged by the council to develop a tax proposal, reminding the council that the <br />subcommittee's recommendations were provided to it earlier in the day via e -mail. She also noted the <br />distribution of an analysis of the proposed tax by the consulting firm EcoNorthwest. <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council January 24, 2011 Page 7 <br />Regular Meeting <br />