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CC Minutes - 02/14/11 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 02/14/11 Meeting
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3/15/2011 2:46:29 PM
City Council Minutes
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the reductions they anticipated. When added to earlier losses, the result was a large funding gap with <br />huge implications for class size, furlough days, and educational quality. She said the budget process <br />added a sense of urgency to the situation. Mayor Piercy believed that people wanted to do something to <br />mitigate the reductions and thought that other residents would be willing to pay more taxes to prevent <br />teacher layoffs and additional reductions. She acknowledged that the funding was not a solution, but <br />rather a bridge to a more comprehensive solution. <br />Responding to a question from Councilor Zelenka, City Attorney Klein said if the council included <br />information about the estimated revenue yield in the resolution recitals, it could be included in the ballot <br />explanation. <br />As a result of City Attorney Klein's remarks, Councilor Ortiz withdrew her motion and Councilor <br />Zelenka withdrew his second. <br />Councilor Ortiz, seconded by Councilor Zelenka, moved to amend the motion by.revising <br />the resolution as follows: Section 2: The tax shall consist of a graduated tax of. ( a) .49 <br />percent if OTI is less than $6,100; (b) .69 percent if income is between $6,100 and <br />$15,200; and (c) .90 percent if income is more than $15,200, and shall be collected <br />annually on income earned between January 1, 2011, and December 31, 2016. <br />Mayor Piercy asked Superintendent Russell to comment on ramifications of the lower funding amount. <br />Superintendent Russell responded that $16.8 million would help mitigate losses related to classroom <br />instruction, instructional days, and teacher layoffs. Superintendent Gill concurred. He said that Bethel <br />would use the money to offset increases in class size and furlough days. <br />Mr. Smith thought the lower revenue number would make the ballot measure more politically feasible. <br />Councilor Ortiz agreed that the funding situation had been a problem for a long time. She believed any <br />amount of money the City could offer would help. She acknowledged the measure did not fix all the <br />districts' funding problems, but she thought it demonstrated that the City was doing its share. <br />Responding to a question from Councilor Clark, City Attorney Klein indicated the resolution would <br />establish the rates, which were anticipated by EcoNorthwest to raise $16.8 million. Councilor Clark <br />asked how the City would present that number given the uncertainty that existed about what would be <br />raised. City Attorney Klein said the ballot title could use the word "estimated." He recommended that be <br />addressed through an amendment to a recital. <br />Councilor Brown preferred the higher revenue target. <br />Roll call vote; the amendment to the motion passed, 7:1; Councilor Taylor voting no. <br />Councilor Clark wanted more stringent language than "estimated at" for the revenue yield as he because <br />the analysis was based on one firm's quick examination. City Attorney Klein offered "based on the <br />information the council has available as of the date of the resolution." <br />Councilor Clark, seconded by Councilor Zelenka, moved to add a new recital D to the <br />resolution that read "Based on the information that the council has available as of the date <br />of this resolution, the tax is estimated to raise $16.8 million. Roll call vote: The motion <br />passed unanimously, 8:0 <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council February 14, 2010 Page 12 <br />Regular Meeting <br />
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