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<br />Attachment A, Exhibit 3 <br /> <br />Beginning at a point on the North line of Lot 10) THE <?AK, as platted-and r~corded in B~ok 4, <br />Page 106, Ll;lIJe County Oregon Plat ReCords) 164.2 feet East of the Northwest comer of Lot 10; <br />running thence 'South 265..60 feet parallel to the w~t lili~ of Lot ~ 0; thence West 82.00 feet <br />parallei to the north line of Lot 10; thence South 86.93 feet parallel to .the West line of Lot ,10; <br />thence East 10.18 feet parallel to the North line of Lot 10; thence South 176.27 feet paratlel to <br />the West line .of Lot 10 to the South line thereof; thence East 319.52 feet to the Southeast corner <br />of Lot 10; thence North 264.40 feet along.said East line; then.ce West 82.38 feet parallel t~ the <br />North.line of Lot 10; thence North 264.40 feet; parallel to the East line of.Lot 10 to the.North <br />line thereof;.thence West 165.32 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. <br /> <br />EXCEPTING TIIEREFROM: Beginning at a point on the N'orth lin.e of Lot 10, THE_ OAKS, as <br />platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 106, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, which is South 890 <br />54' 06" East 164.2.feet from the Northwest comer of said. Lot 10; thence running parallel with <br />the West line of said Lot 10, South 000 06' 54" West 15.00 feet to the troe point of beginning, <br />which is on the South margin of Bushnell Lane, said margin being' 30.00 feet Southerly from, <br />when measW"ed at right .angles to the centerline -of said Bushnell Lane; thence along said South <br />margin South 89~ 54' 06" East 115.32 feet; thence leaving the margin and running South 000 05' <br />54" West 162.80 feet; thence North 890 54'! 06' West 115.32 feet to the point which is SOlith 000 <br />05~. 54~t West from the true point of beginning; thence North ocr 05' 54" East 162.80 feet to the <br />point of beginning, all in Lane COWlty <br /> <br />EXCEPTING. THEREFROM: _Beginning at a point on the North line of Lot 10, THE OAKS, as <br />platted and r~rded in Book 4, Page 106, Lane County .Oregon Plat Records, 16420 feet East of <br />the Northwest comer of Lot 10; running thence South 15.00 feet parallel to the West line of Lot <br />10; thence East (S89054~OO"E)'165..32 feet to the East line of Lot 10; thence North 15.00 feet <br />parallel to the East line of Lot 1 0 to the North line thereof; thence West (N89054 'OO"W) 165.32 <br />feet, to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. <br /> <br />LCBC:LCOG: L:\BC\LEGAL\2005\ECEU054/ LGL.DOC <br />Last Saved: January 6, 2006 <br /> <br />ECEU05-41 <br />Page I of 1 <br /> <br />