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<br />,;.) "0,) ~~'~ '"; . - , "\ ,,0':~'3~ ~. ~,~, 'J,:" _ <br /> <br />~ ~ <br /> <br />Attachment A, Exhibit 13 <br /> <br />SITUATE]) in the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4'ofSection 2, Township 17 South, Range <br />4West of the Willamette Meridian in the City of Eugene, ,Lane ,County, State of Oregon and <br />described as follows: <br /> <br />BEING all oftb.e lands that were described as "TRACT B" in Exhibit B of that certaill Property <br />Line Adjustment DeClaration & Deed that was recorded August 2, 2004, 'at Recorder's Number <br />2004-060561 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of-Oregon. The perimeter of said <br />lands is more particularly described as follows: <br /> <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the East line of the Abraham Peek Donation Land Claim No" <br />51 with the north line of the land that was conveyed to Lane County by deed recorded April 24, <br />1971, at Reception 'No. 60393 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, which <br />POINT OF BEGINNIN.G lies North 59.62 feet more or less from the Northwest comer of the L. <br />Poindexter Donation Land Claim No. 52, Notification No. 2144~ Township 17 South, Range 4 <br />West of the Willamette Meridian, said POitlt being on the southerly right-of-way of Wilkes <br />Drive; <br /> <br />THENCE leaving sai~ pOINT OF BEGINNING-and along said East line of the Abraham Peek <br />Donation Land Claim No. 51 NORTH 146.00 FEET more or less to a 5/8'" x 30" rebar with <br />yellow ,plastic cap marked "BRANCH.ENG. INC."; <br /> <br />THEN'CE leaving last said East line NORTH 65' 26' 01" WEST.l61.31 FEET more or less in a <br />direct line to a 5/8" x 30~ reba[ with yellow plastic cap marked "BRANCH ENG6 INC."; <br /> <br />THENCE SOUTH 000 06' 42" WEST 196..56 FEET more or less to a point on the aforesaid <br />north line of the land that was conveyed to Lane County (Reception No. 60393); and <br /> <br />THENCE along last said north line SOUTH 830 35' 50" EAST 148..02 FEET more or less <br />RETURNING to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 25,170 square feet more or <br />less. <br /> <br />The above description is based on a survey by Rex A. Betz that was filed A~gust 17, 2004 as <br />County Survey File No. 38766 in the Office of The County Surveyor of Lane County, State of <br />Oregon. <br /> <br />LCBC:LCOG: L;\BC\LEGALUOOJ\CEUQ50J LGL.DOC <br />Last Saved~ March 24, 2005 <br /> <br />Final Order 1250 <br />C EU 05 .- 03 <br />Page 1 of 1 <br /> <br />-- ~- - - - ~ ------= - =-=--=-- --===- ---===---=== --=====---------=----- - -----=------=--- --~ --~----=-=---~-=--- -- - -------- ----=-- ~-- - - - ---=-- ------= - <br /> <br />------ - ------- - - ==------=--- =--- =-=---- ----- - ----= =--- ~ -=--=-- - - - - -~ - - ~ ~ - ~- ----=-- <br />