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<br />of the applicant's proposed capital investment in the West Eugene Elllerprise Zone; the <br />anticipated employment resulting from the applicant's investment; the applicant's <br />commitment to make other beneficial community investments; local economic conditions <br />at the time of the application, including but not limited to the unemployment rate, market <br />trends, and competition for altracting new businesses to the community; the co-sponsors' <br />budget circumstances at the time of the application and the eITect of reducing the public <br />benefit contribution on the co-sponsors' ability to provide public services to their <br />citizens; and lhe co-sponsors' judgment as to the reasonableness of the public benefit <br />contribution in light of the foregoing factors and in comparison to the public benefit <br />contribution paid by other companies in the West Eugene Enterprise Zone. <br /> <br />Section 2. The City Council adopts the Public Benefit Criteria Scoring System contained <br />in Exhibit A altached hereto and incorporaled herein, to implement the Interim Local Criteria set <br />forth in Section 1 of this Resolution, for detemlining exemptions for future investments made by <br />companies participating in the proposed West Eugene Enterprise Zone. <br /> <br />Section 3. Beginning in August, 2005, the Cily of Eugene and Lane County will <br />undertake a process to develop and adopt pennanent standards and public benefit criteria for the <br />Wesl Eugene Enterprise Zone. The process will begin with convening a joint CitylCounty <br />commiltee composed of two elected officials from each governing body and a total of fOllr <br />community represelllatives, two of whom shall be appointed by each govcrning body. The <br />committee will meet through January, 2006, as needed, to develop a proposal for pemlanent <br />standards and public benefit criteria, and il will provide opportunities for stakeholder <br />participation and community involvemelll, including public hearings. <br /> <br />Section 4. Resolution 4845 is repealed. <br /> <br />Section 5. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. <br /> <br />The foregoing Resolution adopted the 8th day of August, 2005. <br /> <br />-Jill, [{ ~\ t.^'-. <br /> <br />. t ity ecordcr <br /> <br />Resolution - 3 <br />