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Item 4: Ordinance on City Income Tax for Schools
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2011
CC Agenda - 04/11/11 Meeting
Item 4: Ordinance on City Income Tax for Schools
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4/8/2011 10:26:29 AM
Creation date
4/7/2011 4:12:04 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />Administrative Authority: <br /> The ordinance gives administrative authority to the City Manager to <br />implement the tax and develop forms, rules and policies. (2.2006) <br /> <br />Conformity to State Law: <br />The ordinance states that the City will follow state law and regulations <br />adopted by the Oregon Department of Revenue. (2.2008) <br /> <br />Deadlines, Interest and Penalties: <br /> The ordinance sets out the deadline for filing taxes, allows for <br />extensions, and sets out the consequences for non-compliance. It also provides for an appeal in the <br />case that a taxpayer would like to protest any determination of the City Manager or designee. (2.2016 <br />through 2.2030) <br /> <br />Ballot Measure Provisions: <br /> The ordinance includes the provisions in the ballot measure around use <br />and division of funds, reporting and review panel requirements, and reduction or suspension of the tax <br />if certain actions are taken by the state. (2.2032 through 2.2036) <br /> <br />Confidentiality: <br />The ordinance includes provisions to ensure confidentiality of personal financial <br />information or social security numbers submitted by taxpayers under the ordinance. (2.2038) <br /> <br />Update on Administration of City Income Tax <br />There is a great deal of interest in how the City will administer the income tax, and how much it will <br />cost to do so. Staff have been working on this, along with the ballot title challenge and drafting of the <br />ordinance. We do not yet have all of the information about how the tax will be administered or how <br />much it will cost, but we wanted to provide an update on what we have learned. <br /> <br />Both the Oregon Department of Revenue and the City of Portland Revenue Bureau were contacted to <br />see if they would be interested in administering the City’s tax. The reason for contacting these <br />organizations is that they already have in place the software and expertise to collect income taxes, <br />which the City does not possess. If one of these entities were interested in providing administration <br />services to the City at a reasonable cost, then this is likely to be less expensive than having City staff <br />take on this role, especially for a temporary tax. <br /> <br />The City of Portland Revenue Bureau has indicated that they would be willing to explore the possibility <br />of providing services to administer the tax. The Oregon Department of Revenue has indicated that they <br />do not have the capacity to take on administration of the City’s tax at this time. They are experiencing <br />budget shortfalls, and implementing software upgrades that are taking significant staff time. <br /> <br />City staff have been in discussions with the City of Portland Revenue Bureau and with Multnomah <br />County staff to learn more about how the Multnomah County temporary income tax was administered. <br />This includes phone calls, review of background materials, rules and other information, and setting up <br />future meetings with staff from those jurisdictions. We are also working on developing an outline for <br />how administrative duties of the tax might be split between the City of Portland Revenue Bureau, <br />Eugene staff and others. <br /> <br />If the measure is approved by voters at the May 17 election, City staff will bring more information to <br />the council about administration of the tax, including a budget for implementing the tax. <br /> <br />Information on City Web Site <br />All of the council background materials on the school tax can be found on the City’s web site, at: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> \\Cesrv500\cc support\CMO\2011 Council Agendas\M110411\S1104114.doc <br />
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