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CC Minutes - 02/28/11 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 02/28/11 Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />Eugene City Council <br />Council Chamber —City Hall <br />777 Pearl Street — Eugene, Oregon <br />February 28, 2011 <br />7:30 p.m. <br />COUNCILORS PRESENT: Betty Taylor, George Brown, Andrea Ortiz, George Poling, Mike Clark, <br />Alan Zelenka, Chris Pryor, Pat Farr. <br />In the absence of Her Honor Mayor Kitty Piercy, Council President Betty Taylor called the February 28, <br />2011, regular meeting of the Eugene City Council to order. <br />PUBLIC FORUM <br />Councilor Taylor reviewed the rules of the Public Forum. <br />Zachary Vishanoff, no address given, notified the public of two hearings regarding the expansion of the <br />University of Oregon's Casanova Complex scheduled on March 16, 2011, at 5 p.m. in the Sloat Room of <br />the Atrium Building. He identified issues of concern related to the expansion proposal, which included <br />impacts on the Willamette Greenway, Alton Baker Park, surrounding neighborhoods, and tailgating <br />activities. He hoped someone appealed the any decisions that resulted from the hearings so the <br />community "could have reasonable planning outcomes on our riverfront" as opposed to what he termed <br />"letting the big bucks shred it apart and unilaterally redesign it." <br />Mr. Vishanoff provided the council with copies of an article from The Eugene Weekly entitled Pat <br />Kilkenny Invested in Courtside? He asked Councilor Zelenka to think about his presentation to the City <br />Club regarding the business of the arena and to comment. <br />Mark Callahan, 3621 Mahlon Avenue, indicated opposition to a resolution introduced by Councilor <br />Brown that replaced an earlier council resolution referring an income tax for schools to the voters. He <br />suggested that while it was stated the intent of the resolution was to preclude low- income residents <br />making less than $22,000 from being subject to the tax, he believed it was Councilor Brown's strategy to <br />create the exclusion to gain the support of the student voters in his ward who would not have to pay the <br />tax. He believed the lack of an opportunity for public comment for the replacement resolution suggested <br />the council was "trying to pull a fast one on the citizens of Eugene." He said the replacement resolution <br />expanded the list of those who would be able to vote for the tax but would not be required to pay it, such <br />as Mayor Piercy. <br />Mr. Callahan recommended that government address the cause of the schools' budget shortfall, which <br />was PERS, rather than reacting to the symptoms of the problem with a new income tax. He said that the <br />temporary gas tax that was later made permanent made Eugene citizens wary of additional "temporary" <br />taxes. He predicted that residents would not support the proposed tax to continue the current system. <br />John Dotson, 2447 Canterbury Street, said the public had the right to more clarity about the foundations <br />for the decision about the West Eugene EmX route before more work occurred. Mr. Dotson asked if <br />MINUTES — Eugene City Council February 28, 2011 Page 1 <br />Regular Meeting <br />
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