Eugene Rental Housing Code
<br />Complaint Procedure
<br />The purpose of the City’s Rental Housing Code is to provide minimum habitability criteria to safeguard health, property and
<br />The primary goal of the complaint procedure is to bring
<br />public wellbeing of the owners, occupants and users of the rental housing. This service is available to property owners,
<br />about resolution without the need for City enforcement. A
<br />property managers, tenants, neighboring property owners and other interested parties.
<br />complaint may be filed with the City only after the tenant
<br />has sent written notice to the owner or property manager.
<br />Code Enforcement staff will listen to a caller’s concerns and address the situation in the most appropriate manner. If a
<br />The written notice must include a detailed description of
<br />caller’s concerns are not addressed by the Eugene Code, staff will refer callers to an appropriate community resource for
<br />the alleged violation and must allow 10-days for the
<br />assistance. If you have a habitability concern, please contact the Rental Housing program at 682-8282, and staff will guide
<br />owner or the property manager to respond to the alleged
<br />you through the process.
<br />violation.
<br />Staffing and administrative costs for the program are paid for by a $10 annual fee for each dwelling unit. The owner or the
<br />A complaint to the City must be in writing and may be filed
<br />owner’s agent shall be responsible for paying the annual fee.
<br />in person, by post, e-mail, or fax, and must include the
<br />following:
<br />Minimum Standards
<br />•
<br />Name of person filing the complaint, and if
<br />The Rental Housing Code addresses six areas of
<br />(c) Ventilation for fuel-burning heating appliances shall be asdifferent, the name of the affected tenant.
<br />habitability, described below (EC 8.425).
<br />required by the Mechanical Code at the time of installation.
<br />Anonymous complaints will not be accepted.
<br />•
<br />Name and phone number of the owner or the
<br />owner’s agent.
<br />The roof, floors, walls, foundations and all other structural
<br />(a) The roof, exterior walls, windows and doors shall be
<br />•
<br />Address of the dwelling unit with the alleged
<br />components shall be capable of resisting loads prescribed
<br />maintained to prevent water leakage into living areas, which
<br />violation.
<br />by the building code in effect at the time of construction.
<br />may cause damage to the structure or its contents or may
<br />•
<br />A complete description of the alleged
<br />adversely affect the health of an occupant. The presence of
<br />violation.
<br />significant visible mold may be a symptom of faulty
<br />•
<br />(a) Plumbing systems shall be maintained in a safe and
<br />A copy of the written notice of the alleged
<br />weatherproofing, however, the presence of mold, by itself, is
<br />sanitary condition and shall be free of defects, leaks and
<br />code violation that has been sent by the
<br />not a violation for purposes of sections 8.400 through 8.440
<br />obstructions. The presence of significant visible mold may
<br />tenant to the owner or the owner’s agent.
<br />of this code.
<br />be a symptom of faulty plumbing, however, the presence of
<br />mold, by itself, is not a violation for purposes of sections
<br />(b)Repairs must be permanent rather than temporary and
<br />A person who files a complaint must be a party to the
<br />8.400 through 8.440 of this code.
<br />shall be through generally accepted construction methods. If
<br />current rental agreement or an agent of this party.
<br />significant visible mold results from faulty weatherproofing,
<br />Complaint investigations will be processed by City Code
<br />(b) Repairs must be permanent rather than temporary and
<br />repairs must include removing the mold, which may include
<br />Enforcement staff only after the above process has been
<br />shall be through generally accepted plumbing methods. If
<br />mold on or in interior walls, sheetrock, insulation, floors,
<br />significant visible mold results from faulty plumbing, repairsfollowed.
<br />carpets or carpet backing.
<br />must include removing the mold, which may include mold
<br />on or in interior walls, sheetrock, insulation, floors, carpets
<br />or carpet backing.
<br />Doors and windows leading into a dwelling unit must be
<br />
<br />equipped with locks and shall be maintained in a condition
<br />
<br />so as to restrict access into the dwelling unit.
<br />(a) A permanently installed heat source that must be able to
<br />541-682-8282
<br />provide a room temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit three
<br />feet above the floor, measured in the approximate center of
<br />Every dwelling unit shall be equipped with an approved and
<br />the room, in all habitable rooms. Portable space heaters
<br />properly functioning smoke alarm or smoke detector
<br />shall not be used to achieve compliance with this section.
<br />installed and maintained in accordance with the state
<br />Find us on Facebook
<br />building code, 479.270, 479.275, and 479.285, and
<br />City of Eugene Rental Housing Program
<br />(b) All heating devices or appliances shall conform to
<br />applicable rules of the State Fire Marshal.
<br />applicable law at the time of installation.
<br />